
Millennials and the young professionals of Generation Z wondering how to develop a career in international education are encountering a field that has changed considerably and that continues to evolve.
Mark Toner
Amid a newly challenging recruiting environment, U.S. institutions will need to leverage all of their competitive advantages to meet their enrollment goals and sustain their global preeminence.
Stephen Pelletier
International students are often seen through the lens of short-term economic benefit, but a look at longer-term data show how powerfully they infuse their intellectual capital into the United States.
Mark Toner
International education-driven social entrepreneurship is helping remake the map of possibility, sparking innovation and new solutions to tough challenges.
Institutions once tended to partner with each other based on commonalities. Now, like puzzle pieces that must be shaped differently in order to interlock, campuses are actively seeking out some very dissimilar partners.
Amid the ever-tightening constraints of bandwidth and time, institutions are increasingly and creatively partnering with each other to achieve what neither can do alone.
Susan Ladika
University educators and recent graduates are striving to show that even the deepest rifts have the potential to be healed—these are the stories of four women who are working to promote peace and understanding in current and former conflict regions.
Mark Toner
As institutional priorities shift and the language around them changes, international offices must reframe the value proposition of global learning and tie them to larger institutional missions and goals.