NAFSA Bookstore

The NAFSA Bookstore features a wide variety of practice-related and thought-provoking publications written by leading experts in international education. Find the professional resources you need to stay informed with NAFSA’s books, posters, student guides, and more. Search for titles and subjects relevant to your needs.


Subjects Selected: General Interest

The fall 2010 installment of the Global Studies Literature Review features the theme "Three Emerging Themes for the Field." It features 14 entries, from nine new contributors and three returning contributors. Highlights include: Gavin Sanderson reviewing the Polish writer Ryszard Kapuściński's final
The third issue of the Global Studies Literature Review sought a more in-depth exploration of a topic. The theme for this issue, “Sustainable Global Commitments in International Education,” resulted in several submissions that together provide salient and insightful views on the professional efforts
The theme for this issue of the Global Studies Literature Review is "Critical Perspectives on Internationalization." This theme reflects the growing scrutiny of international higher education in the early twenty-first century, in which some scholars are predicting internationalization's "end" or
The initial call for this special issue of the Global Studies Literature Review, "The Politics of Language in International Education," cast a wide net over connected fields of linguistics, cultural studies, human rights, intercultural communications, and language pedagogy. The call posed the
This issue of the Global Studies Literature Review focuses on theme of the NAFSA 2015 Annual Conference & Expo—New Horizons in International Education. Rapid change in learning environments, budgetary realities, student and scholar mobility trends, and national interests are just a few of the
This issue of the Global Studies Literature Review ( GSLR) focuses on the theme “Framing the Global.” Inspired by Hilary E. Kahn’s edited volume Framing the Global: Entry Points for Research (Indiana University Press, 2014), which offers a set of academic research perspectives on disentangling
This issue of NAFSA’s Global Studies Literature Review ( GSLR), which features the theme "Comparative Approaches to Diversity and Inclusion in Global Higher Education," recognizes that the challenges of diversity and inclusion extend well beyond the field of international education. The field as a
The theme of this issue of the Global Studies Literature Review, "New Models and Emerging Perspectives in Global Education," includes a special introduction celebrating the 15-year anniversary of the Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship Knowledge Community (TLS KC) by Chair Sora H. Friedman. The
Hiring Manager Questions: In Alignment with Second Ed
Based on NAFSA’s International Education Professional Competencies 2.0, this set of sample behavioral interview questions is a helpful tool for supervisors when hiring employees in any area of international education. This tool is not meant to be an exhaustive list but rather a starting place for