Global Studies Literature Review, Volume 7
This issue of the Global Studies Literature Review (GSLR) focuses on the theme “Framing the Global.” Inspired by Hilary E. Kahn’s edited volume Framing the Global: Entry Points for Research (Indiana University Press, 2014), which offers a set of academic research perspectives on disentangling global phenomena from local and transnational lived worlds, the GSLR editors sought to extend this challenge of global analysis to scholar-practitioners within international education.
Kahn urged the scholars involved in the original Indiana University’s Center for the Study of Global Change project to challenge and disrupt their disciplinary assumptions through experimentation with new methodologies grounded in ethnographic and empirical data of the lived world. The essays presented here extend this work in ways that disrupt assumptions about international education as a field and offer new thinking about methodology and grounded experience.
Information about other editions is available on NAFSA's Research and Trends page.

Global Studies Literature Review, Volume 7
This issue of the Global Studies Literature Review (GSLR) focuses on the theme “Framing the Global.” Inspired by Hilary E. Kahn’s edited volume Framing the Global: Entry Points for Research (Indiana University Press, 2014), which offers a set of academic research perspectives on disentangling global phenomena from local and transnational lived worlds, the GSLR editors sought to extend this challenge of global analysis to scholar-practitioners within international education.
Kahn urged the scholars involved in the original Indiana University’s Center for the Study of Global Change project to challenge and disrupt their disciplinary assumptions through experimentation with new methodologies grounded in ethnographic and empirical data of the lived world. The essays presented here extend this work in ways that disrupt assumptions about international education as a field and offer new thinking about methodology and grounded experience.
Information about other editions is available on NAFSA's Research and Trends page.