Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship

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A Utilitarian View of Rankings

During a session at NAFSA's 2012 annual conference, Phil Baty, editor of world university rankings for Times Higher Education, outlined the basic methodology of THE's annually published rankings , which evaluate universities based on performance indicators grouped in five areas: teaching, research
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Comprehensive Internationalization in Latin America

Amidst constant economic crisis and instability during the past two decades, Latin American governments have developed a set of national policies focused on widening access and equity, quality assurance, faculty preparation at the postgraduate level, and infrastructure improvement. However, despite
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Regionalism and Higher Education

Trends & Insights, October 2011: Any account of the forces shaping the continuation, or dissolution, of uneven patterns of student and researcher mobility must account for the phenomenon of regionalism.
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Trends & Insights

Authored by respected leaders in the field, these short columns highlight social, economic, political and higher education system trends affecting international higher education. In each column, authors offer their insights regarding impact these trends may have.
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