Regulatory Information

Exchange Visitors and Exchange Visitor Programs

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Sub-topic>Exchange Visitors and Exchange Visitor Programs

Fees, Forms, Filing Procedures

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Sub-topic>Fees, Forms, Filing Procedures

Institutional Obligations and Compliance

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Sub-topic>Institutional Obligations and Compliance

International Faculty, Staff, Researchers

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Sub-topic>International Faculty, Staff, Researchers

International Students and Schools

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Sub-topic>International Students and Schools

U.S. Immigration Systems, Data, Status, and Concepts

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Sub-topic>U.S. Immigration Systems, Data, Status, and Concepts

Visas, Travel, Entry

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Sub-topic>Visas, Travel, Entry
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Topic>Regulatory Information

USCIS Funding Challenges During COVID-19 Pandemic

On August 25, 2020, USCIS announced that due to "unprecedented spending cuts and a steady increase in daily incoming revenue and receipts," the agency "will avert an administrative furlough of more than 13,000 employees" that was scheduled to begin August 30, 2020. Despite the welcome news that
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USCIS Policy Manual

The USCIS Policy Manual is the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service's (USCIS) "centralized online repository for USCIS’ immigration policies," that will ultimately replace other USCIS policy repositories. Access the USCIS Policy Manual Update (May 22, 2020). USCIS has removed all Adjudicator's
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Form I-539 Status

Form I-539, Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status is used by certain nonimmigrants to apply to USCIS for a change of nonimmigrant status or for an extension of nonimmigrant status. The form is also used by students applying for reinstatement to F-1 or M-1 student status following a status
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Understanding Financial Aid for Education Abroad

Financial barriers are often cited as a roadblock for potential study abroad participants. As an education abroad professional, understanding the federal financial aid system, and how it works at your institution, can open opportunities for you to better serve your students. This NAFSA e-Learning
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Essential Federal Regulations for Education Abroad

As a new Education Abroad professional, understanding the basic federal regulations that govern privacy, discrimination, and mandatory reporting is an important part of your job. In this NAFSA e-Learning Express course, you will learn how five different U.S. federal regulations affect study abroad
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ECA Pauses ECA-Funded Exchange Visitor Programs

On May 12, 2020 the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) ​ announced​ that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, "all ECA-funded in-person exchange programs will remain paused until further notice." This extends indefinitely for now the 60-day temporary pause that ECA had put into place
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