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2010 Comprehensive Carnegie Mellon University

ITC 2010 Carnegie Mellon President
President Jared Cohon

When Jared Cohon received the Carnegie Corporation of New York’s Academic Leadership Award in 2005, there was no shortage of worthy academic pursuits on which the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) president could spend the accompanying $500,000 prize. He chose to direct a large sum to a Global Awareness Across the Curriculum initiative, in which faculty from the institution’s six undergraduate colleges vied for grants to create new courses exploring international topics and themes. It achieved the desired results. An engineering professor won a national award for a project management course in which students in Pittsburgh collaborate with counterparts in Brazil, Israel, and Turkey. Information technology students teamed up with classmates in Qatar and students in Singapore to design Web sites for NGOs. In classes held synchronously and linked by video in Pittsburgh and Qatar, an architecture professor explored the challenges posed by the construction boom in cities in the Middle East. 

A n international bent comes naturally to Carnegie Mellon, a private university founded in 1900 by the Scots-born steelmaker and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie to teach “practical arts and sciences.” CMU is a bastion for computer science and for engineering and technology, but is also home to a celebrated fine arts program. It boasts not only of Nobel Laureates (16), but also of winners of Academy Awards (56) and numerous Tonys and Emmys. Both mathematician John Nash of A Beautiful Mind and artist Andy Warhol are alumni. Its labs have done pioneering work in artificial intelligence, robotics, and biometrics. Those breakthroughs occurred on the home campus in Pittsburgh, three miles from where the Allegheny and Monongahela meet to form the Ohio River. But today CMU has a wider footprint, with graduate programs in more than a dozen countries and a full-fledged undergraduate branch in Qatar.

One of Six U.S. Universities in Qatar

Carnegie Mellon Qatar is one of the six U.S. universities—the others are Weill Cornell Medical Center, Texas A&M, Northwestern, Virginia Commonwealth, and the Georgetown School of Foreign Service—offering degrees in the oilrich emirate’s Education City in Doha. Carnegie Mellon Qatar occupies a striking new building with golden interior walls on which are etched the words of Andrew Carnegie that serve as the university’s motto: “My heart is in the work.” A bagpiper in full Scots regalia played at the February 2009 ceremony where Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, wife of the Emir and chair of the Qatar Foundation, and Cohon shared ribboncutting duties. The student body, half Qatari and half international students, is small (300) but growing, with roughly 35 graduates each year. It offers bachelor of science degrees in business administration, computer science, and information systems.

“If you spent enough time here in Pittsburgh to get the essence of Carnegie Mellon and then went to observe our ­program in Doha, you would say, ‘Gee, this really is Carnegie Mellon.’”

Carnegie Mellon, with unstinting support from the Qatar Foundation, has striven to replicate in Doha the educational offerings and the cocurricular experience afforded in Pittsburgh. Some faculty are hired from the region, but others such as Kelly Hutzell and Rami el Samahy from the School of Architecture alternate semesters’ teaching in Pittsburgh and Doha. Hutzell calls it “a joy” to be teaching her “Mapping Urbanism” course in a city undergoing dizzying changes. Carnegie Mellon deans and department heads visit Doha regularly and there is a brisk, two-way traffic of students on breaks, over summer and for full semester stays. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bill Gates have spoken at events hosted by Carnegie Mellon Qatar.

“If you spent enough time here in Pittsburgh to get the essence of Carnegie Mellon and then went to observe our program in Doha, you would say, ‘Gee, this really is Carnegie Mellon,’” said Cohon, a civil engineer who has piloted Carnegie Mellon since 1997.

Surging International Enrollment

The number of international students has doubled over the past decade, from 1,747 in fall 1999 to 3,518 in fall 2009. They constitute almost half the graduate student population and are strongly represented in engineering, management and information systems, computer sciences, and business.

Carnegie Mellon prepares undergraduates for careers in engineering, arts, humanities, and sciences. Many of these professionally oriented majors have requirements that can make it difficult for students to fit education abroad into their schedules. Some 400 now take some of their coursework overseas, and that number has been rising. “Study abroad in the usual semester abroad sense is sometimes a hard sell,” said Linda Gentile, director of the Office of International Education. This reality has strengthened the determination of faculty and administrators such as Vice Provost for Education Indira Nair to find other ways for students to, in Nair’s words, “become aware, socially responsible global citizens.” This includes innovative uses of technology to expand the classroom well beyond the confines of Pittsburgh and arranging unusual summer internships in faraway places for CMU’s technologically adept students.

A Memorable Lesson in Concrete

ITC 2010 Carnegie Mellon Professor
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Lucio Soibelman won an award for his global project management course teaming students from Pittsburgh, Brazil, Israel, and Turkey.

Lucio Soibelman, professor of civil engineering, codesigned the award-winning construction project management class taught synchronously with engineering schools in Brazil, Israel, and Turkey. His share of the president’s Carnegie award paid for digital equipment that allows students in all four countries to see everything that Soibelman writes on a whiteboard in Porter Hall in Pittsburgh. Soibelman isn’t teaching basic engineering skills—these advanced students are well beyond that—but he is equipping them to overcome the cultural barriers that working engineers confront daily on international projects. “The main readings and discussions are related to globalization. They read books on working across cultures and on negotiation,” said Soibelman, a native of Brazil.

His students once got into a friendly quarrel with their Turkish counterparts over how quickly concrete could be poured. “The Turkish students kept saying they could build one floor per week. The American students kept pushing back, saying, ‘No, you can’t,’” recalled Soibelman. One floor a month is the U.S. norm. But when the Americans flew to Turkey on spring break, the Turkish students immediately brought them to a construction site where concrete was being poured. A week later, before the return flight, they returned to see the next floor going up. “When I asked my students how the trip was and what sights they had seen, they just looked at me and said, ‘They can do it,’” recalled the professor, who explained that lower labor costs, greater use of concrete, and major investment in concrete forms allow the Turks to build more rapidly.

“We want every student to have a global perspective and be able to use their expertise to solve real world problems (across) disciplinary boundaries and national boundaries.”

Globe-Trotting Student Consultants

Joseph S. Mertz, Jr., who teaches in both the School of Computer Science and the graduate H. John Heinz School of Public Policy and Management, places students each summer on internships as technology consultants in Micronesia, the Cook Islands, Palau, India, and elsewhere. “I teach geeks the soft skills they need to put their technical skills to use in the service of humanity,” said Mertz. CMU undergraduates helped the Republic of Nauru issue national identification numbers to its 10,000 inhabitants. Two students helped the tiny island of Niue, the smallest selfgoverning country in the world (pop. 1,400), connect laptops to the internet for its 500 schoolchildren. At a Bangalore, India, orphanage for blind children, students wired a computer to a traditional Braille machine, sounding out the letters and words children wrote with a stylus and correcting their spelling.

In the Global Project Management course taught by Randy Weinberg, director of the Information Systems (IS) program, students in Pittsburgh and Doha collaborate with students at Singapore Management University. “They do video, they Skype, they e-mail. We have the same readings, assignments, and assessments,” said Weinberg. It is a taste of the life they will lead when they graduate “because unless you’re a small, boutique IS shop, your clients and partners are going to be in distant locations.”

The culture at Carnegie Mellon is highly interdisciplinary. Partnerships are encouraged with colleagues across campus and around the world. “We want every student to have a global perspective and be able to use their expertise to solve real world problems (across) disciplinary boundaries and national boundaries,” said Amy Burkert, an assistant science dean who designed and taught one of the global courses and recently succeeded the retiring Nair as vice provost for Education.

Branding Carnegie Mellon Overseas

Doing what Carnegie Mellon is doing in Qatar is daunting, but there has been widespread agreement that “getting the Carnegie Mellon brand out into the world was an adventure worth pursuing,” said Provost Mark Kamlet.

Students from Pittsburgh are encouraged to spend a semester in Doha, and 10 are sent over spring break on a trip paid for by the division of student affairs in Pittsburgh and Qatar Foundation. Fifty students vie for those slots, and those chosen are expected on their return to share the experience with peers.

Megan Larcom, 21, a senior from Middletown, Rhode Island, majoring in international relations and business administration, interned in the Doha student affairs office the summer after freshman year, then returned to Qatar for a full semester as both a student and teaching assistant in accounting classes. A varsity rower with a 4.0 GPA, she also played on a newly formed women’s basketball team in Doha. She twice won federal scholarships to spend summers studying Arabic in Tunisia and Morocco, then landed a Fulbright scholarship to Egypt, where she is teaching English and pursuing research at Suez Canal University.

Student Affairs in Qatar

ITC 2010 Carnegie Mellon Linguistics
Pooja Reddy linguistics doctoral candidate is researching how poor children in her native Bangalore, India, acquire second and third languages.

That student affairs office in Doha has a staff of ten, larger than any of the other U.S. universities in Education City, said Renee Camerlengo, assistant dean of student affairs and director of special projects in Pittsburgh. “From the very beginning we really believed in a very strong out-of-classroom experience” for the Doha students, most of whom commute to classes, said Camerlengo.

While Qatar is regarded as a progressive and tolerant place, Camerlengo asks the American students to dress conservatively and not drink alcohol while living in the Muslim country “as guests of the Emir and the Sheikha.” On their return, students are expected to share what they saw and learned. “We’ll never be able to send all 5800 (undergraduates) to Doha on this kind of trip, so the students fortunate enough to go have to bring a part of that experience back to their contemporaries,” Camerlengo said.

Opportunities and Pins on a Map

President Cohon said the expansion of Carnegie Mellon’s global footprint has not been “as strategic as we would like. If we took a map of the world and put pins on the countries we would like for Carnegie Mellon to be present in…. It would be China and India first, and then maybe other places after.”

But CMU planted its flag in the Middle East when the Qatar Foundation pledged to furnish the facility and cover most other costs. “Where we are is very much a product of our taking advantage of opportunities that have arisen and respecting the constraint we have self imposed, which is that we will not subsidize any international program from Pittsburgh. They have to pay for themselves,” said Cohon. “We are not a rich university.”

Cohon wants Carnegie Mellon to be recognized “as an important institution and indispensable institution in those new centers of wealth and power.” And he wants the university community to look back in 2050 and say, “Gee, it really was a great thing that we decided to become a global university 50 years ago.”

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2011 Spotlight University of San Diego

When the University of San Diego opened its Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice, its leaders wanted to not just teach about human rights but to make a genuine contribution to solving conflicts in strife-torn countries. They came up with the idea of offering a respite on the San Diego campus where often unsung peace activists could recharge their batteries, inspire students, and at the same time get professional help to craft a narrative of their struggles against violence back home. The Women PeaceMakers Program was born. 

Since 2003 some 32 women have spent eight weeks on the Catholic university’s campus overlooking Mission Bay, speaking to classes and community groups, learning about U.S. programs that help victims recover from trauma, and working with writers on their personal narratives. They visit social justice organizations working to alleviate poverty in this city near the Mexican border—and they go on excursions to the famous San Diego Zoo and to Disneyland in Anaheim.

Their travel to the United States is covered by the program, and the peacemakers, who share apartments on campus and cook together, receive a stipend of $4,000 for living expenses. The entire program is underwritten by the Fred J. Hansen Foundation, named for a benefactor who made a fortune in real estate and avocado farming. The foundation, led by trustee Tony Dimitroff, also supports the Hansen Institute for World Peace at San Diego State University, which has done extensive work in the Middle East.

“Like a Queen Walking on Air”

ITC 2011 San Diego Peace Makers
Christiana Thorpe, after participating in the Women PeaceMakers Program in 2004, became Sierra Leone’s Chief Electoral Commissioner.

Christiana Thorpe, a former nun, school principal, and deputy minister of education in Sierra Leone, went home in 2004 and became Sierra Leone’s Chief Electoral Commissioner, presiding over the free and fair 2007 elections and now preparing for the 2012 balloting.

Thorpe, who founded an NGO to educate girls displaced by civil war, said in an interview via Skype from Freetown about the Women PeaceMakers Program, “When I came back after that experience, I was ready to take on anything or anybody else in the world. I was really empowered.” 

“Back home it was a very lonely experience, a very lonely journey, dealing with women and girls who are traumatized and trying to get them reconciled either with their communities or their family members,” she said. “Eventually, you yourself are almost traumatized. You don’t look for thanks in this kind of work, but when you get the odd thanks, it makes you feel like a queen walking on air.” 

Working with a professional writer to put her story on paper also “was a big eye-opener for me. I didn’t realize I had so much to offer. If it were not for the Women PeaceMakers Program, I would not have realized the extent of work I had been doing toward peacebuilding within my country,” said Thorpe.

Absent From the Negotiating Table and From History

Dee Aker, the Kroc Institute’s deputy director, helped design and still directs the program. Aker, a psychological anthropologist by training, is a former journalist who has worked on four continents in education and on helping people make the transition from conflicts. “We realized that no one was recognizing what we were seeing on the ground, how women were…making powerful decisions and having a major impact on averting or ending conflicts,” Aker said. “Women never got invited to the negotiation table. They are just behind the scenes.”

The Kroc Institute has special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The Women PeaceMakers Program hosts biennial conferences in support of efforts to improve the status of women and girls. The 2010 conference produced a report on the 10th anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, a landmark that stressed the importance of women’s “equal participation and full involvement in all efforts for the maintenance and promotion of peace and security.” Among the speakers were Monica McWilliams, who helped end Northern Ireland’s sectarian violence, and Luz Méndez, one of only two women who participated in the negotiations that ended Guatemala’s civil war in 1996.

Méndez, vice president of the National Union of Guatemalan Women and a 2004 Woman PeaceMaker, spoke of organizing “courts of conscience” where women could speak out for the first time about the sexual violence inflicted on them in Guatemala’s decades-long civil war. “It was so liberating for them,” she said, and also secured their place in the historical record. In Guatemala “as in many countries,” she said, women often “are (left) out of history.”

No Shortage of Candidates

ITC 2011 San Diego Deputy Director
Dee Aker, deputy director of the Kroc Institute and a psychological anthropologist by training, helped design and still directs the Women PeaceMakers program.

“We’ve had lawyers, government officials, a chief of police for a tribal area, a woman who took on the blasphemy law in Pakistan” and other activists as Women PeaceMakers, said Aker. The institute worried at first about getting word out about the program, but with the UN connection that has not been a problem, and it receives hundreds of applications each year.

The peacemakers have come from two dozen countries in the midst or not-long-removed from conflicts. On a couple of occasions, things were so unsettled that the prospective woman peacemaker could not leave and the institute had to choose someone else, said program officer Jen Freeman, formerly one of the “peacewriters.”

Aker and Freeman have journeyed to Nepal and the Philippines to hold regional conferences for alumnae and others involved in conflict resolution.

Combination of Art and Science

Merlie “Milet” Mendoza, a humanitarian worker in the Philippines, came to San Diego in fall 2010 two years after she was kidnapped and held for two months by militants in the Sulu archipelago, where she had been helping poor Muslim communities. Mendoza is a former official in the Corazon Aquino administration who moved from government to grassroots organizing in 1989 and led a peace coalition in troubled Mindanao.

In her PeaceMaker narrative, Mendoza said, “Peacemaking and conflict management go beyond the rational. They touch on the sacred and the divine. It is a combination of art and a science. It is about goodness.”

Another 2010 PeaceMakers Program participant was the Liberian peace activist and social worker Vaiba Kebeh Flomo, who helped organize the Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace that brought pressure on the government of Charles Taylor and rebel forces to sign an accord in 2003. She later mobilized women to register and vote in the 2005 elections that made Ellen JohnsonSirleaf Africa’s first elected female president. 

A Need to Do More

ITC 2011 San Diego International Day
Students participating in the International Day of Peace Celebration, hosted by the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies and the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice.

Flomo helped unite Christian and Muslim women’s groups, who at one point, like the Greek women seeking to stop the Peloponnesian War in Aristophanes’ play Lysistrata, withheld sex to pressure men to end the violence. Flomo was among the Liberian women featured in the 2008 documentary, Pray the Devil Back to Hell. 

In reaching out to Muslim women, Flomo, who worked for the Lutheran Church of Liberia’s Trauma Healing and Reconciliation Program, repeated one message: “In time of war, women and children suffer most. The bullet cannot pick and choose. Once it is in the air it is not looking for a Christian, it is not looking for a Muslim. It comes to anyone.”

Flomo, now back at work in Monrovia, said via Skype that her stay in San Diego “helped my self-esteem. After I told my story and I saw myself—‘Oh, this is where I came from and this is where I am’—it brought me to another level in my work. It made me think that if I came this far, I need to do more.”

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2011 Spotlight University of Rhode Island

ITC 2011 Rhode Island Director
John Grandin, now director emeritus of the IEP, says that it’s “almost a miracle” that a quarter of URI’s engineering students double major in languages.

Kafka scholar John Grandin could see the writing on the wall midway through his four decade career as a professor of German at the University of Rhode Island (URI): enrollments in language classes were shrinking and so were positions on the faculty.  Their emphasis on literature assumed that most majors envisioned themselves becoming teachers to share their love of the language with the next generation. But “interest in German and some other languages was waning because of this one-sided assumption,” said Grandin. “We had to reach out to other disciplines to make language learning more relevant to a broader spectrum of students.”

Grandin looked across the Kingston campus to the College of Engineering where a new dean named Hermann Viets had arrived in 1987. “I thought, `Hermann with two n’s—he must have a German background,’” recalled Grandin. Indeed Viets did and soon the pair mustered support from the faculty and a grant from the federal Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) to launch the International Engineering Program (IEP), which would allow students to earn dual degrees in engineering and German in five years. An entire year would be spent studying and working in Germany. “Students went for it right away,” recalled Grandin, now director emeritus after 23 years as IEP director and four decades on the faculty.

Today a quarter of URI’s 1,100 engineers graduate with a bachelor of science in engineering and a bachelor of arts in German, Spanish, French or, starting this fall, Mandarin. 

In-State Tuition During Education Abroad

German is still the biggest draw. At least 80 eighty percent of URI’s 125 German majors are engineers. Grandin and Viets enhanced the program’s appeal by allowing all, even out-of-state students, to pay in-state tuition during the semester at a German university followed by  a six-month paid internship at a company in Germany. Some URI students may have begun language classes in high school, but others start from scratch as freshmen in Kingston. Regardless, by year four they are learning engineering and other difficult courses in German, Spanish, French, or Chinese. It works because the language faculty “understand that the students sitting in front of them in these classes are largely engineering or business students,” said Dean of Engineering Raymond Wright. “It never would have worked if you had three or four engineers sitting in a class filled with German, French, or Spanish majors there for the linguistic side of things.” URI offers such courses as German for Engineers, Spanish for Business, and Advanced Technical Chinese.

“It’s been a terrific partnership,” said Dean of Arts and Sciences Winifred Brownell. With twin degrees, “they are among the most marketable of the graduates we send out into the world.” Brownell said colleagues have jokingly called her and Wright “the odd couple” at national conferences where they have spread the gospel about URI’s marriage of humanities and engineering.

A Model for Other Universities

ITC 2011 Rhode Island Engineering Students
URI engineering students in front of the snowy Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria.

The IEP program continues to garner strong corporate, government, and foundation support. The National Science Foundation funds a partnership between URI and Technical University of Braunschweig in Germany that includes research, student exchanges, and dual master and doctoral degrees. Seventy-five URI and exchange students from several countries live in two former fraternities converted into language houses. 

Several universities, including Valparaiso University, University of Connecticut, Northern Arizona State University, and others, have built programs modeled in whole or in part after the IEP. But Grandin, who is writing a book examining how fluency in a second language has furthered the careers of IEP graduates, expressed disappointment that the IEP model has not spread farther among U.S. engineering schools. “Our doing it in Rhode Island is not enough,” he said. “I was invited many times to visit other campuses. Generally people will say, ‘This is a wonderful idea; we’ve got to do it, too.’ But then they don’t follow through.” He suspects the reasons for that are lingering resistance among language faculty and an attitude among “a whole lot of engineers who think the whole world speaks English.”

Hot Ticket in the Job Market

IEP graduates are a hot commodity in the job market, said Sigrid Berka, who succeeded Grandin as director in 2010. A survey of German IEP alumni found two-thirds working for companies that operate in the international arena. One in six is employed overseas. The roster of German companies that hire URI students includes BMW, Bayer, Siemens, Volkswagen, and ZF Friedrichshafen.. The fifth-year students regularly get offers from such U.S. giants as Boeing, Johnson & Johnson, General Electric, General Dynamics, and Sensata Technologies (formerly Texas Instruments).

The Chinese major was added partly in response to a growing demand from New England companies, such as Hasbro, Pratt & Whitney, and Sensata, that are eager to hire Mandarin-speaking engineers for their manufacturing sites in China who can navigate two cultures and engineering cultures, Berka said.

Matthew Zimmerman, a 2001 graduate in ocean engineering, French, and German, spent a semester at the Université d’Orléans in France, then worked for the software company SAP in Karlsruhe, Germany, for six months. He is cofounder and vice president of FarSounder, Inc., a Warwick, Rhode Island, company that makes 3-D sonar systems for ships. “We have customers worldwide so I use my intercultural communications skills daily,” Zimmerman said. “Shipyards and boat captains really appreciate being able to communicate with you in their native language.”

While studying in Braunschweig, Alex Reeb, a doctoral student in civil engineering at Virginia Tech, got to see the world’s longest rail tunnel being built under the Alps in the Gotthard Pass in Switzerland. He then worked for Züblin AG in Stuttgart, Germany, for six months and still managed to graduate six months early upon return to Rhode Island. “Even now at industry conferences, potential employers have been excited to hear about my time in Germany,” he said.

ITC 2011 Rhode Island Notre Dame
Sara Manteiga, near the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, was a chemical engineering and French double major who said that her year abroad was “the best experience of my undergraduate career.”

Sara Manteiga was raised speaking English and Spanish—her parents teach Spanish at URI—and decided to take French in high school and pursue dual degrees in chemical engineering and French. She studied at Université de Technologie de Compiègne in France, then researched the effect of carbon dioxide on ecosystems during an internship with the oil company TOTAL in the town of Pau in the Pyrenees. “My year abroad was hands down the best experience of my undergraduate career,” said Manteiga, a summa cum laude graduate now studying chemical and biomedical engineering at Tufts University. 

Sonia Gaitan, the daughter of parents from Colombia, combined chemical engineering and Spanish at URI and learned Portuguese as well. She studied in Spain for a semester, then did an internship in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with Johnson & Johnson, which hired her after graduation. Now a senior quality assurance engineer, Gaitan credits the IEP experience with helping her work effectively with people “from all parts of the world and all walks of life.” 

Grandin will be honored at the Modern Language Association’s 2012 meeting for his contributions to international education. “To me,” he said, “the IEP is still kind of a miracle.” Engineers are required to take only one course in foreign language and cross cultural competence (other URI undergraduates must take two semesters). Nevertheless, with only that modest requirement, “we’ve got 25 percent of (engineering) students not only taking language, but getting a degree in it.”

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2011 Spotlight Barnard College

ITC 2011 Barnard President
President Debora Spar, at the Global Symposium in Johannesburg, South Africa, wants to expose her students to “the complex realities of the global economy.” Photo credit: Zute Lightfoot

Living space is at a premium in the middle of New York City, even in the dorms at Barnard College. But every spring there were empty beds in those residences when Barnard students headed abroad for a semester. Wouldn’t it be nice, administrators thought, if international students could be brought to campus for four months to fill those spaces? Traditional exchanges wouldn’t work. There was no shortage of universities with students eager to study in Manhattan, but there was no guarantee that the Barnard women would want to spend a semester at those particular universities. There was also the disparity in tuition—$20,000 a semester at Barnard and nothing for students in Europe and some other countries. 

Then longtime Provost Elizabeth S. Boylan and Hillary Link, associate provost and dean for international programs, thought of something: Why not invite partners in Women’s Education Worldwide, an international network of women’s colleges, to send a small number of students who could take all the courses they wanted but not have to pay full tuition since they would not receive credit from Barnard? They called this the Visiting International Student Program (VISP) and started small in spring 2008 with five students from the University of Copenhagen and the Collegio Nuovo of the University of Pavia in Italy. It worked so well that they took in 41 students the next year from those and other universities in China and South Korea. This year 59 young women from seven countries—Italy, Denmark, China, South Korea, Australia, Ghana, and South Africa—spent the spring on Morningside Heights. The Gilder Foundation paid the way for the students from Ghana and South Africa.

“It’s a program born in part out of relative poverty,” said Barnard President Debora L. Spar, whose institution’s $186 million endowment is the smallest (three to seven times smaller) of the elite women’s colleges once known as the Seven Sisters. “This program works beautifully because it enables us to internationalize the campus in a way that’s not particularly expensive for us or the students.” There are 150 other international students at Barnard enrolled for four-year degrees; they pay full tuition.

Spar is a political scientist who came to Barnard from Harvard Business School. In her 2008 inaugural address, she expressed a determination to expose Barnard students “to the complex realities of the global economy” and do their part to solve the educational inequality that women face in much of the world.

Liberal Arts Classes and a Cultural Immersion

The VISP students arrive in January, go through orientation, and dive right into their academic and cultural immersion in the Big Apple, including trips to Broadway shows and the Metropolitan Opera and tours of the United Nations and the Cloisters. They live in the dorms on Barnard’s compact four-acre campus, across Broadway from Columbia University (Columbia, once all-male, is coed. Barnard and Columbia students attend classes interchangeably). The activities outside the classroom play an important role in helping the visiting students fit into campus life. “Our students struggle with the same things when they go abroad. Inevitably they say the hardest thing is to make friends with the local students,” said Link. 

Alberta Spreafico, among the five original VISP students, had no trouble finding her place at Barnard. Born in Milan and raised in England and Italy, Spreafico was so taken with Barnard and Columbia that she returned the next year to complete work on a master’s degree from the University of Pavia. She interned at the United Nations and is now working at Henry Ford Health Systems in Detroit on a telemedicine project to improve health care in poor countries. Barnard was “wonderful,” said Spreafico. “I was just thrilled by the liberal arts education and the broadness of the opportunities presented.”

ITC 2011 Barnard VISP Student
VISP student Sunwoo “Sunny” Nam from Seoul, South Korea, jumps for joy in Fort Tryon Park near the Cloisters.

Sunny Nam, 20, an English and political science major from Ewha Womans University in Seoul, South Korea, who studied at Barnard in spring 2011, said, “The semester in New York City was like a dream for me.” She learned “to set priorities that fit me, not by other people’s standards or the society’s standards. This has changed a lot of my education goals, and more broadly, my identity.” Barnard, Ewha, and the Collegio Nuovo all belong to the Women’s Education Worldwide, an organization that brings together presidents and deans from women’s colleges around the world to advocate for the education of women.

Professor of Economics Rajiv Sethi advised five VISP students and went to see Phantom of the  Opera with a dozen of them. Asked if one semester was sufficient for the visiting students to make their presence felt, Sethi replied, “In some respects the one-semester model is even better…. We get a much larger number of students’ cycling through the program than we would if they came for four years each. This results in contact with many more individuals, and a more rapid spread of information about us globally.”

Global Symposia on Women’s Issues

Indeed, raising Barnard’s international profile and attracting more applicants from other countries is an expressed goal. Spar is pursuing those ends on another front with an annual Global Symposium on women’s issues that she launched in Beijing, China, in 2009 and subsequently has staged in Dubai and Johannesburg, South Africa. The fourth will take place in Mumbai, India, in March 2012.

The first symposium came about fortuitously. Spar had been invited to participate on a panel at the opening of Columbia’s global center in Beijing. By coincidence, several Chinese-American applicants had mentioned in their essays Barnard’s first Asian student, Kang Tongbi of the Class of 1909, who returned to China and worked for women’s suffrage and against the practice of foot binding. Spar and Link put together the “Kang Tongbi Commemorative Symposium: Women Changing China” featuring a novelist, television host, filmmaker, and women’s rights advocate. It drew a full house of 175 alumnae, educators, and business leaders. “We launched that symposium on a prayer and a shoestring. Something just clicked. We realized that whereas in the United States you can go to dozens of conferences every day on (women’s issues)… they are much fewer and farther in between” in developing countries, Spar said. “In creating these forums we’ve carved out a space that’s kind of empty right now.”

The “Women in the Arab World Global Symposium” in Dubai in 2010 drew 300 people, and the 2011 symposium on “Women Changing Africa” drew nearly 400 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Spar took a half-dozen Barnard students and two faculty with her. The students held a workshop for girls at the African Leadership Academy in Johannesburg on leadership and self-esteem. Spar hopes to bring even more students and faculty to India in March 2012. 

A Spurt in International Applications

ITC 2011 Barnard Provost
Associate Provost and Dean for International Programs Hillary Link and VISP students from Ghana.

One bonus of VISP and the symposia is that Barnard is seeing more applications from these countries, as well as more interest on the part of Barnard students in studying at the universities where they now have friends.

Spar, addressing the “Women Changing Africa” symposium, said her career switch from the predominantly male Harvard Business School to a college “totally dominated by women” has given her a new perspective on gender differences.

It is “not that women are better or that women necessarily make better leaders, but I think women lead differently than men,” Spar said. Barnard now is trying to “take what we were learning about women’s leadership and education and push it outside the gates of New York City and embrace the rest of the world.”

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2011 Comprehensive New York University

New York University’s prodigious number of international students (7,200) and participation in education abroad (4,300) have long solidified its place among the most international U.S. universities. Now it has laid claim to the title of the world’s first “global network university,” with a new liberal arts college open in Abu Dhabi, a second in the works for Shanghai, and nearly a dozen other sites around the world where NYU students go to study. Most of its 43,000 students still throng the buildings with their signature violet flags that surround Washington Square. Amending the 1831 pronouncement by Albert Gallatin and other founders that they were creating a university “in and of the city,” President John Sexton describes today’s NYU as “in and of the world.” 

ITC 2011 New York President
President John Sexton says that NYU’s global network of campuses are building its scholarly strengths and exposing students to the full range of human experience.

Sexton, seated in his office atop red sandstone Bobst Library with a red-tailed hawk nesting outside his window, said the concept of the global network university is still evolving, but like a Polaroid picture becoming clearer over time. It is not, he emphasized, merely a hub-and-spoke arrangement or set of affiliated branches. “We see the university as an organism, a circulatory system” for faculty and students to move between continents for learning and research, Sexton said. He recalled a conversation over breakfast at Chequers with then Chancellor of the Exchequer of Britain Gordon Brown, who remarked that NYU’s ambitious conception brought to mind the Italian Renaissance “and the way the talent class moved among Milan and Venice and Florence and Rome.” That captures in a nutshell “the world view in which we see ourselves operating,” said Sexton.

The peripatetic Sexton had just returned from a 12day journey to Abu Dhabi, Singapore, South Korea, and Abu Dhabi again. A Brooklyn native, Sexton was schooled by the Jesuits at Fordham University to be a professor of religion, then retooled at Harvard Law School as a legal scholar. He has played a multitude of parts—champion high school debate coach, clerk to the Chief Justice of the United States, law school dean, and chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He is wont to quote Teilhard de Chardin, Martin Buber, Diogenes (“I am a citizen of the world”), and Charley Winans, his mentor and faculty legend at Brooklyn Prep.

Seeking an Edge in Global Talent Competition

ITC 2011 New York Freshman
Mercedes Moya, an American raised in Paris majoring in politics and Italian, spent her first year at the NYU center in Florence.

Sexton believes NYU has gained an edge in a global competition for talent, such as the prominent economist it landed by offering to let him teach every fourth year in Abu Dhabi, closer to his wife’s family in Pakistan. He can envision the future Shanghai campus luring a world-class mathematician with aging parents in China. Already Sexton and Alfred Bloom, vice chancellor for NYU Abu Dhabi, boast of creating “the world’s honors college” in the Middle East emirate. NYU and its Abu Dhabi patron flew several hundred high school seniors to the emirate for weekend visits before admitting the first class of 149, one-third American. The median SAT verbal and math scores were 1470. NYU Abu Dhabi in May awarded $16 million over five years for four joint-faculty research projects that will be based in Abu Dhabi and deal with climate modeling, computer security and privacy, cloud computing, and computational physics. Sexton has promised that all of NYU’s overseas operations will be self-sustaining and won’t siphon resources from Washington Square.

Vice Provost for Globalization and Multicultural Affairs Ulrich Baer presides over NYU’s 10 global academic centers for education abroad in Accra, Ghana; Berlin, Germany; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Florence, Italy; London, England; Madrid, Spain; Paris, France; Prague, Czech Republic; Shanghai, China, and Tel Aviv, Israel. Two sites are planned for Sydney, Australia, and Washington, D.C., and Sexton expects to open two more in South America and South Asia. With Abu Dhabi—Washington Square students will be able to spend a semester there—NYU’s global network will feature at least 16 sites by 2014.

Baer, who rowed crew at Harvard as an international student from Germany and did his PhD in comparative literature at Yale, has authored books on photography and the poet Rainer Maria Rilke and edited a literary anthology about the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center. Apart from providing academic and intellectual leadership for NYU’s global network, Baer’s duties now include negotiating long-term leases for more housing in London and Paris as well as explaining to NYU students why they can party in dorms in some parts of the world but not others. “The university is just starting to grasp what it means to operate globally like most corporations do,” he said. “You move people around. When you’re in Shanghai, do we pay for your dental insurance or not?” 

“I felt like I had died and gone to international education heaven.”

An Ethos of Education Abroad

Given the size of NYU’s education abroad program, it might be expected that this enterprise operates from a high visibility office with heavy foot traffic. That is not the case. Although NYU aspires to soon unify international operations in a single location, Baer and the Office of Global Programs currently occupy a suite on the eleventh floor of Bobst Library, while most education abroad staff work out of the lower level of a high-rise residence ten blocks away. They make education abroad pitches at innumerable orientation sessions but leave it to academic advisers within NYU’s 16 schools to close the sales. “Each college has a point person. By the time they get to us, they typically have decided,” said Associate Director Jaci Czarnecki. “We might meet with them to talk about which location makes the most sense and what they need to do to apply and be admitted and get there.” Education abroad is so ingrained in the NYU experience that most students don’t need a lot of convincing, she added. 

Some undergraduates are admitted to spend their first year at NYU centers in Florence, London, Paris, or Shanghai. Sophomore Mercedes Moya, U.S. born but raised in Paris, started at La Pietra, the Florence estate where students live and attend classes. “For me, New York is abroad,” said Moya, a politics and Italian major. “It was the city that drew me here. New York is definitely the capital of the world.”

Nearly 1,000 business majors study abroad each year, according to Susan Greenbaum, associate dean of the Stern School of Business. Over spring break last March, Stern flew 650 juniors in its international economics course to Budapest, Buenos Aires, or Singapore to visit businesses. An alumni benefactor supports the program. Stern also now offers a business and political economy degree in which students spend two semesters in London and a third in Shanghai. “We hope that we’ve lit them on fire” for work in the international arena, Greenbaum said.

Wanted: More International Undergraduates

The Office for International Students and Scholars (OISS) already occupies prime real estate a block from Washington Square. NYU enrolls more than 6,700 international students—one-third are undergraduates. The countries that send the most students to NYU are South Korea (1,400), China (almost 1,200), and India (more than 1,000). Most pursue master’s degrees or PhDs, but the 2,035 international undergraduates are double the number of five years ago. (Some 1,000 graduates are on Optional Practical Training.) OISS director David Austell said that when he arrived at NYU in 2007, “I felt like I had died and gone to international education heaven.”

Sexton aims to boost the number of international undergraduates from 9.1 to 20 percent. Freshman Hyun Seok Oh, a permanent resident of Hong Kong, chose NYU because he wanted to study in a metropolis like his hometown. Oh, an economics major, said, “A campus would have been nice and everything, but the advantages here outweigh the disadvantages. It’s a great place.” 

“I felt kind of lost, but then I got used to it and made a bunch of friends,” she said. Studio arts “is a small program within a huge school…(and) the advisee system is very good.”

While business is the biggest draw for international students, more than 800 are enrolled in NYU’s vibrant visual and performing arts programs. Young Eun “Grace” Lee, from Seoul, South Korea, is a studio arts major. At first NYU seemed bigger than she bargained for and “I felt kind of lost, but then I got used to it and made a bunch of friends,” she said. Studio arts “is a small program within a huge school…(and) the advisee system is very good.”

ITC 2011 New York Arts Major
Young Eun “Grace” Lee (left), a studio arts major, and ESL student Yoon Soo Cho, both from Seoul, South Korea, outside Bobst Library.

While international undergraduates live in NYU’s high rise residences, graduate students are dispersed. With sky-high rents in Greenwich Village and much of Manhattan, some find apartments across the East River in Brooklyn or across the Hudson River in Jersey City, Hoboken, and other areas linked to the city by rapid transit.

The plan is to eventually enroll 2,000 students at NYU Abu Dhabi and as many as 3,000 in Shanghai, which will start in 2013. Sexton enlisted May Lee, an NYU-trained lawyer and banker, to negotiate terms with the Chinese Ministry of Education, Shanghai’s municipal government, the government of the special Pudong district, and East China Normal University. Lee, associate vice chancellor for Asia and daughter of Chinese immigrants, said the idea of bringing American-style education to China and helping the Chinese build a bridge to Westerners “really struck a chord with me.”

Turning Students Into ‘Inspired’ Jazz Musicians in Europe

Faculty in this large, decentralized university continue to find ways to entice U.S. students to venture into the world. David Schroeder, director of jazz studies, has turned Florence and Prague into favored destinations for music majors. “Nobody wants to leave New York as a jazz musician,” said Schroeder, but while his students are treated as greenhorns in Manhattan, “in Europe they’re considered those young, inspired jazz musicians from New York City.”

Junior Zach Feldman, 20, a music business major, was a deejay at the Hard Rock Cafe Prague and arranged parties that drew hundreds to other clubs in fall 2010. “It was really cool, dealing with club owners who didn’t speak any English,” he said. “Literally half the sophomore class (of music business majors) is going to Prague next semester (fall 2011).”

ITC 2011 New York Center
La Maison Francaise on the Washington Mews, an active center of French-American cultural and intellectual exchange.

Some 4,349 undergraduates studied abroad in 2009–10. Among the three-quarters who had declared a major, only 52 were language majors. Some global centers require language study, but most courses are taught in English. Associate Professor of Sociology Tom Ertman began the Berlin program in 2005 with non-German speakers in mind. “You could (never) run a program out of here targeting German students because there weren’t enough of them,” said Ertman. But lots of students were intrigued by the German capital’s image as “a cool, young, happening place.” Some 140 students study there each year, including large numbers from NYU’s Steinhardt art programs.

What China Wants From Washington Square

Xudong Zhang, a comparative literature professor and chair of East Asian studies, said Chinese language enrollments have grown “at an explosive rate” and now top 1,000. Zhang helped launch the Shanghai education abroad center in 2006 and directs China House, one of the NYU language and culture centers. China House soon will move into a new home alongside La Maison Française and Deutsches Haus on charming Washington Mews, a gated block of converted nineteenth century stables.

Zhang grew up in Shanghai, the son of naval research engineers. East Asian studies, he said, will be “no more special than other departments” in the partnership with East China Normal University. “What leading Chinese universities want from us is not ethnic Chinese faculty like me; they want our best researchers in science, social sciences, and the arts.”

President Sexton knows what his partners want and what NYU wants, which is to become one of the two or three dozen premiere research universities in the world. Many rivals have greater space and more resources, Sexton averred, but they cannot match NYU’s “locational endowment”—New York City—and “attitudinal endowment”—its aggressive entrepreneurship.

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2011 Comprehensive Macalester College

Macalester College’s determined global outlook can be seen and heard on even a short stroll around the 53-acre campus in a leafy St. Paul, Minnesota, neighborhood not far from where F. Scott Fitzgerald grew up. The flag of the United Nations flies overhead as it has every day for 61 years. Dozens of other banners line the balcony above Café Mac, the college dining room, and flags from the home countries of Macalester students are rotated on four other flagpoles throughout the year. Sitting conspicuously in the foyer of the new athletic and fitness center is a ping pong table dedicated to and autographed by Nobel Peace laureate and former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, a track star and champion ping pong player here half a century ago (he graduated in 1961). On warm spring afternoons, the rhythmic beat of drums reverberates across campus as the 40-member African Music Ensemble practices outdoors. 

ITC 2011 Macalester President
President Brian Rosenberg sees the Institute for Global Citizenship as “a clear embodiment of Macalester’s distinctive mission.”

These visible tokens all reflect what Macalester calls its “special emphasis on internationalism, multiculturalism, and service to society” and its determination, in the words of President Brian Rosenberg, to produce “socially responsible global citizens and leaders.” That commitment begins at home, where Macalester students are strongly encouraged to volunteer in the Twin Cities’ polyglot tapestry of immigrant communities—Hmong, Somali, and Hispanic among them—as well as to undertake service and learning abroad. Indeed, Rosenberg in 2006 combined the college’s three separate offices for community service, internships, and international education into a unified Institute for Global Citizenship (IGC) with the aim of making it “a catalyst for cutting-edge teaching, scholarship, and events fostering the education of citizen leaders for the interconnected world of the twenty-first century,” with Ahmed Samatar, professor of international studies and a leading scholar on the history and struggles of his native Somalia, at the helm as its first dean. Two of its conjoined parts, the International Center and the Civic Engagement Center, share quarters in the U.S. Green Building Council LEED platinum-certified  Markim Hall, where water circulating through radiant ceiling panels and flooring provides the “hydronic” heating and cooling. The internship office is next door in Kagin Commons along with the Office of International Student Programs.

Finding Stellar Students on a Fjord in Norway

Generous financial aid helps Macalester attract international students in large numbers. The private college actually provides aid to a higher percentage of international students (almost 90 percent) than the U.S. undergraduates (70 percent), and the average package covers two-thirds of the more than $50,000 annual cost of tuition, room, and board. Macalester has recruited top students from the United World Colleges (UWC) for years even before philanthropist Shelby Moore Cullom Davis gave it $13.5 million to provide $20,000-a-year scholarships for graduates of UWC, an international network of boarding schools offering international baccalaureate diplomas to students chosen for academic ability and leadership potential. Jimm Crowder, then-associate director of international admissions, made a dozen recruiting visits to the Red Cross Nordic UWC on a fjord in Norway, more than any other visitor, the headmaster told him, save Queen Sonja.

“Forty years ago, the religion department here would have been five Presbyterian clergymen teaching Bible. We’re still five, but three of us do Asian religions and Islam.”

The robust international studies (IS) program, founded in 1949, is the fifth most popular major, with four and one-half tenure-track positions of its own and allied faculty across the humanities, social studies, and even the sciences. Its chair, David Chioni Moore, calls it “the oldest, broadest, and deepest such program at any private liberal arts college.” Education abroad is mandatory in this program, as it is for language and anthropology majors and those from a handful of other disciplines. Macalester now offers interdisciplinary concentrations in global citizenship, community and global health, human rights, and humanitarianism. Overall, 60 percent of Macalester students study abroad, over half outside Western Europe.

Duties of World Citizenship

Macalester held its first classes in 1885, a nonsectarian institution affiliated with the Presbyterian Church. Classics scholar James Wallace saved it from bankruptcy as president at the turn of the twentieth century and was the lion of the faculty until the eve of World War II. His son, DeWitt Wallace, founder of Reader’s Digest, became a major benefactor. President Charles Turck raised the UN flag in 1950 and spoke of “the duties of world citizenship.” In recent decades Macalester has attracted a far more diverse and globally minded faculty to carry out that vision. “Forty years ago, the religion department here would have been five Presbyterian clergymen teaching Bible. We’re still five, but three of us do Asian religions and Islam,” said Professor of Religious Studies James Laine.

Classics Professor Andrew Overman takes 25 Macalester students each summer to work on the excavation of a Roman temple complex at a site called Omrit in northern Galilee, near Israel’s border with Lebanon. They live on a kibbutz, publish with Overman in scholarly journals, and uncover finds that are on permanent display at the New Israel Museum in Jerusalem. It is “an incredibly transforming experience for everybody,” said Overman, who previously brought students to a Black Sea dig in Sevastopol, Ukraine.

Most Macalester students study abroad not with their professors but at some 70 recommended programs overseas bearing the International Center’s stamp of approval. Macalester runs a handful of semester-long programs, including one in Maastricht, Netherlands, and classes taught in German at the Goethe Institute in Berlin and the University of Vienna in Austria. Since 2003 Macalester, in a consortium with Pomona and Swarthmore colleges, has offered a program on globalization and the environment at the University of Cape Town in South Africa.

A Preference for Foreign Programs and Local Faculty

ITC 2011 Macalester Seniors
Seniors Morgan Sleeper, linguistics and Asian studies major, and Needham Hurst, economics major, both speak fluent Mandarin.

Michael Monahan, former director of the International Center who recently became president of BCA Study Abroad, said Macalester approaches education abroad “in a very selective way. Our faculty primarily are in the classroom here. We like to see foreign faculty teaching our students abroad. So our motto has been to engage with foreign universities and program providers rather than running them ourselves.” Monahan said, “A distinctive feature of Macalester education abroad is it’s a match between each individual student and not just a program, but a course of study.” Even the education abroad brochures used to be grouped by major instead of by country or region. But that caused some confusion and was changed recently to make it easier for students to see all their options by country. 

Paul Nelson, an alumnus of the class of 1972, the new director of the International Center and former study abroad coordinator, and study abroad adviser Rachel Kamagne-Jones, a more recent alumna, class of 2007, structure their advising sessions around academic content, not location. They personally interview each applicant. “It’s rare to tell somebody no. Everything on campus is setup to make the answer yes,” said Nelson, an attorney and author who used to run a summer Spanish immersion program in Cuernavaca, Mexico. “It’s the ethos that students take it seriously.” 

“A distinctive feature of Macalester education abroad is it’s a match between each individual student and not just a program, but a course of study.”

ITC 2011 Macalester Freshman
Yulun Li, a freshman from Xi’an, China, was surprised to find how interested “American students are in events outside their country.”

An unusual spurt in enrollment with the class that entered in 2009 has produced a bumper crop of nearly 350 students studying abroad in 2011–12. Fourteen students were headed to China, a record, and 17 signed up for intensive Arabic programs in Morocco, Jordan, and England. Star quarterback Clark Bledsoe, a rising junior and anthropology major, will skip spring 2012 football practice to study in South Africa, one of eight football players’ bound for different parts of the world. “I savor the focus this school places on internationalism, as well as all the interesting people it attracts,” said the anthropology major.

Macalester’s geography department, with five professors, draws swarms of students to courses on geographic information systems (GIS), the environment, urban studies, and global issues. Senior Needham Hurst, an economics major, minored in geography and Chinese and applied his GIS skills while studying in China to research how people there were being evicted from ancestral homes for urban renewal. Hurst, who also spent a month studying in Bangladesh, said, “It was shocking how closely these patterns of land loss match those I mapped on American Indian reservations.”

Linguistics and Asian studies major Morgan Sleeper, 22, from Deland, Florida, studied Chinese in China, Maori in New Zealand, and Gaelic in Ireland during his four years at Macalester and won a $25,000 Watson Fellowship to travel the world for a year exploring how Celtic music is keeping Gaelic and other endangered languages alive.

Sarcasm 101 and Bus Tokens

For Macalester’s contingent of 227 international students (almost 12 percent of undergraduates), introduction to campus and U.S. life includes a course that International Student Programs Director Aaron Colhapp titled Sarcasm 101: An Introduction to Humor in America, which includes clips from a sardonic Saturday Night Live skit as well as other break-the-ice discussions and activities. Colhapp brings as guest lecturer an associate dean’s spouse who once taught improvisation at Second City. “Students love it,” he said.

The international office also sends U.S. and international students into Minneapolis and St. Paul with a bus token and instructions not to come back until they have found and interviewed several people with distinct characteristics, from eyeglasses to tattoos. “It’s a good way to get them out, learn the bus system, and get them used to not being afraid to talk to other people,” said Colhapp. 

Another program called Ametrica pairs students with mentors throughout the year for fortnightly discussions on politics, religion, social networking, and other topics. Marissa Leow, a biology major born in Singapore but raised in part in upstate New York, works in the international student office and signed on as a mentor. Her skepticism of the program shifted when she saw that new international students “value hearing each other’s perspectives and going through that [adjustment] process with each other.” 

Yulun Li, 18, a freshman from Chengdu, China, said, “There’s a lot of things to do here. I’m very busy, meeting new people, talking to new people. It’s kind of joyful.” Li was surprised to find how interested American students are in events outside their country. But first-year student Amy Janett from Vernon, New Jersey, who spent a year in Iceland as a high school exchange student and helps organize events for international students, was surprised to find that not everyone at Macalester was as internationally minded as she is.

President Rosenberg said, “Any time you get 2,000 students, you’re going to get different priorities and perspectives.” He believes student interest in global matters is greater at Macalester than at most schools, and he has even advised students’ who are weighing whether to accept the college’s offer of admission that if they aren’t seeking such an international emphasis, “this might not be the right college for you.”

International Journals and Its Own Student Council

The Institute for Global Citizenship, which has its own student council, brings scholars to campus each fall for a three-day International Roundtable devoted to globalization issues. Papers commissioned for the forum are published in the annual journal Macalester International.

ITC 2011 Macalester Dean
Ahmed Samatar, first dean of the Institute for Global Citizenship, said no other U.S. school “has put together this kind of an internationalist academic program so early.”

Samatar, who recently stepped down as IGC dean, is also founder and editor-in-chief of Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies. “Working here (at the IGC) has been challenging and delightful and exhilarating, but I need to get back to full-time scholarship,” said Samatar, who at age 17 was chosen to be a news reader on the national news broadcast in his homeland and was a broadcaster for the BBC Somali Service in London before coming to the United States for college. “Internationalism as a spirit has been a part of Macalester’s life for decades,” said Samatar. “No (other) college in the United States has put together this kind of an internationalist academic program so early.”

A national search is on for Samatar’s successor as dean. Asked what advice he would give that person, Samatar said, “Excellence is a moving thing. It is not something that you discover once, pitch your tent, and just (relax). Others are pushing, too. New questions arise and old questions refuse to go away and require new methodologies. So excellence is a journey. You never really rest.”

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2011 Comprehensive Kennesaw State

Kennesaw State University’s transformation from junior college to Georgia’s third largest university took only a few decades. It is still growing, adding its first doctoral degrees and building dorms so more than just 4,000 of its 22,000 students can live on the metropolitan Atlanta campus. With help from legendary University of Georgia coach Vince Dooley, it is preparing to field its first football team in 2014. But its academic ambitions are even grander and—as suggested by the 22-foot-high sculpture by Eino, Spaceship Earth, in the heart of campus—more global. “That’s Kennesaw State straddling the globe,” Ikechkwu Ukeje, a Nigerian-born professor and chair of elementary and early childhood education, said in jest.

ITC 2011 Kennesaw Vice Provost
Barry Morris (front, right), vice provost for global engagement and strategic initiatives, with visiting Indian students and their professor.

But that artwork and a nearby colorful, 2.7-ton slab from the Berlin Wall both remind students and faculty every day of Kennesaw State’s international ambitions and achievements. One feather in its cap recently came in the form of a midterm report from its accreditor, the Southern Association of Schools and Colleges (SASC), which requires member institutions to single out an area for self-improvement when they seek reaccreditation. KSU intrepidly asked in 2007 to be held accountable for how much and how well it bolstered its international education programs.

SASC sent Susan Buck Sutton, then associate vice chancellor of Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (she is now at Bryn Mawr College), to take a look. “KSU is emerging as a national leader in international education,” Sutton wrote in evaluating the institution’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). “It would be difficult to find another university where such a broad range of global learning initiatives, across all dimensions of the institution, is occurring.”

“We’ve made the Quality Enhancement Plan part of our DNA,” said Barry J. Morris, vice provost for global engagement and strategic initiatives and executive director of the Institute for Global Initiatives, who deflects credit to the faculty. Morris said KSU’s international thrust benefited from strong leadership from President Daniel Papp and his cabinet, but received legitimacy “because it was chosen from the bottom up. The faculty themselves raised the flag.” 

From Junior College to Comprehensive University

ITC 2011 Kennesaw President
President Daniel Papp, a Sovietologist and founder of the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at Georgia Tech, picked up the international torch from his predecessor, Betty Siegel.

KSU opened in 1966 as Kennesaw Junior College, constructed on what once was farmland in Cobb County 20 miles northwest of Atlanta. It did not start offering bachelor’s and master’s degrees until the 1980s. Now it is preparing its first doctoral students. Today it has 20,000 undergraduates (average age 25) and 2,000 graduate students. Some 1,600 are international and nearly 900 students study abroad each year. Eighty-five percent live off campus or commute and half are nontraditional. KSU proudly describes itself as “a metropolitan university.” Former President Betty L. Siegel was a vigorous proponent of KSU’s international efforts during her quarter century at the helm, and KSU took part in the American Council on Education’s Global Learning for All project aimed at helping institutions expose adult, minority, and part-time students to international education. Daniel Papp, a Sovietologist and founder of the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at Georgia Tech, picked up the international torch when he became president in 2006. 

The “Year Of” Program

A signature international activity is KSU’s “Year of Program” that spotlights a particular country, region, or international theme through a host of courses, lectures, exhibits, music, theater, and other activities that extend throughout an academic year. It started with Japan in 1984–85 and now has examined nearly two dozen countries as well as the Olympic movement and slave trade across the Atlantic. The Year of Romania was marked in 2010–11 with 33 lectures, a film festival, and other events that examined the treatment of the Roma (Gypsy) minority, persecution of Jews, post-communist religion and politics, and medieval painted monasteries. Some KSU students studied in Romania, and five faculty with Romanian roots made contributions as well. The Year of Program “is a lot of fun and a lot of work,” said Daniel Paracka, director of education abroad and manager of the Year of Program.

The 2006–07 Year of Kenya resonated with Atlanta’s sizeable Kenyan immigrant community. When the Kenyan ambassador spoke, he brought consular staff to process visas for Kenyan Americans to visit their homeland, and KSU has held follow-up conferences with support from Atlanta companies that do business in Africa. “We are still reaping the positive benefits. People now call us ‘Kenya-saw,’” said Vice Provost Morris, a Russian-speaking political scientist and former international banker.

[The Global Learning Coordination Council is] “the group that more than any other drives our internationalization efforts. This is the engine that ties the entire university together.”

Kennesaw State’s Coles College of Business recently became the new home of the India China America Institute, an economic think tank on economic and geopolitical issues involving the United States and the world’s largest emerging economies. The institute will help the business school and the university to “further engage in these countries while solidifying our position as a leader in global education,” said Ken Harmon, the business dean who is serving as interim provost and vice president for academic affairs. 

A New Institute for Global Initiatives

The Institute for Global Initiatives (IGI) was created under the provost’s office in 2003 to provide what history professor Akanmu G. Adebayo, the first executive director, describes as a “one stop shop” for faculty and student research and study. It replaced a smaller Office of International Programs housed in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Today a Global Learning Coordination Council (GLCC) of faculty, staff, and students oversees and coordinates KSU’s international activities (Professor Ukeje is a council member). The biweekly council developed a Global Engagement Certificate that students now can earn with their diplomas. Morris calls the council “the group that more than any other drives our internationalization efforts. This is the engine that ties the entire university together.”

Ed Rugg, retired vice president for academic affairs and former chief academic officer, said the transformation from junior college to university in the 1980s left “open fields for us to run in. The undergraduate curriculum hadn’t been fleshed out…. If we had better ideas for doing something, people were willing to entertain them. Nobody was saying no.” KSU was the first public institution in the state to offer an international affairs major, and its faculty have led internationalization initiatives for the entire University System of Georgia. “Our visibility and perception as an international campus was not just mythic, but real,” said Adebayo, who is editor-in-chief of KSU’s peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary Journal of Global Initiatives.

Financing Study Abroad With Student Fees

Kennesaw State provides $1 million a year in funding for the IGI and $940,000 more for other global learning activities, said Assistant Vice President for Financial Services Ashok Roy, who is also an associate professor of Asian studies. Students voted to impose an additional $14-per-semester fee on themselves to provide Global Learning Scholarships of at least $500 for everyone who studies abroad or takes part in university-sponsored service trips overseas. Students receive as much as $2,000 if they perform service and study abroad for longer periods. The fee generates $750,000 annually, said Dawyn Dumas, director of Global Engagement Programs.

“Our philosophy is that leadership is a lifestyle. Once they’ve gone on their first trip, they are hungry to go all around the world.”

KSU has dramatically increased education abroad opportunities for math and science majors. Professor of Mathematics Jun Ji, the College of Science and Mathematics representative on the GLCC, said, “Four years ago we had one (education abroad) program with 10 students. Now we have eight programs in science and math, and we got 98 students last year.” A large poster outside Ji’s office shouts in bold letters, “YOU CAN GO TO CHINA FOR $2,100.” This includes a $750 Global Learning Scholarship plus an additional $400 per student from KSU’s Confucius Institute, one of the 68 such centers in the United States and 300 worldwide that receive support from China to encourage study of Chinese language and culture. 

KSU sends students on 40 different education abroad programs, mostly for two to three weeks in the summer. With Georgia Southern and Georgia State, it offers full-semester Italian culture courses in the Tuscan town of Montepulciano. KSU ranked tenth in the 2010 Open Doors report among master’s level institutions in education abroad. The School of Nursing sends students on two-week service-learning trips to Oaxaca, Mexico. Sociologist Ardith Peters leads students to Uganda in summer to work with an NGO on adaptive sports for blind children. 

‘Emerging Global Scholars’

ITC 2011 Kennesaw English Major
Dhanashree Thorat, an English major, had help from the university to pay her way to give a paper at Oxford University in England.

KSU has added a President’s Emerging Global Scholars program to the mix of opportunities offered through its Center for Student Leadership (CSL). Fifty high achievers took 10-day service trips to Brazil or Mexico as freshmen and went to South Africa at the end of their sophomore year for further civic engagement activities. “Our philosophy is that leadership is a lifestyle,” said CSL Director Brian Wooten. “Once they’ve gone on their first trip, they are hungry to go all around the world.”

“Next year we’re going to India,” said sophomore Gina Perleoni. Classmate Zoe HoChoy, who grew up in Kennesaw, said never “in my wildest dreams” did she expect to have multiple education abroad experiences in college. Graduate student Punit Patel, born in Mumbai, India, but raised in the United States, said that “momentum is building year after year” on KSU’s international front. Patel, former student body president, and 21 classmates took part in the Asian International Model United Nations conference in Beijing, China, over spring break. All received Global Learning Scholarships to attend.

“One great thing about KSU is that international students are encouraged to become campus leaders,” said Dhanashree Thorat, 22, an English major from India. The university helped pay her way to give a paper at Oxford in England.

Moby-Dick in Morocco, Children’s Books in Benin

During the Year of Kenya, Karen Robinson, associate professor of theatre and performance studies, and lecturer Margaret Baldwin collected oral histories from Atlanta’s Kenyan community and mounted a play around them. Robinson, who visited Kenya with other faculty, later brought the Shangilia Youth Choir, a troupe of children rescued from the streets of Nairobi, to perform at KSU. Ten theater majors staged Melville’s Moby Dick at a collegiate festival in Casablanca, Morocco, in 2009, speaking their lines in English with selective narration in French and Arabic by students fluent in those languages.

While a graduate student, Assistant Professor of French Lucie Viakinnou-Brinson created a nonprofit called Seeds of Knowledge to provide textbooks for schools in her native Benin. Now she has students in her French classes, from beginners to advanced, write children’s books in French to donate to schools in Benin, and hopes to take students on her next trip there.

Recognition for Faculty, Student Global Engagement

Dawyn Dumas, the IGI’s director of Global Engagement Programs, spearheaded efforts to create a registry of KSU faculty and staff with international expertise. Scores of faculty have stepped forward to present credentials entitling them to be designated international education “specialists” or “contributors.” Dumas is also the point person for students seeking to earn the Global Engagement Certificate. They must have spent at least four weeks on education abroad, completed 12 credits in upper division global learning courses, and submitted a portfolio documenting service or activism on such issues as hunger or human rights. More than 100 students have earned the certificate since 2008.

ITC 2011 Kennesaw Students
Students strike a pose in the Global Village, an office and gathering spot for KSU’s large contingent of international students.

Donald L. Amoroso, executive director of the new International Center for Innovation in Technologies and former chair of the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, takes students with him twice a year to study and conduct research in Japan. “My heart is in it,” said Amoroso, an expert on advanced cell phone technology. The university spent more than $1 million converting a warehouse into high-tech classrooms and computer labs for Amoroso’s innovation center.

Though on the rise, an immediate goal for the university is to lift the graduation rate, which is still under 40 percent. Papp, Morris, and faculty leaders all believe KSU’s international thrust will help the institution keep more students on that path to a diploma. 

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2011 Comprehensive Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

The unwieldy name of Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) recalls its 1969 birth as an institution combining the Indiana University School of Medicine and allied schools with the extension branch of the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology and sister components. There are twin faculties under a common dean, separate course numbering systems, and separate IU or Purdue diplomas depending on which school a student attends. Notwithstanding the vestiges of split identity, IUPUI has grown into an urban research university with 30,000 students and a distinctive emphasis on international education.

Susan Buck Sutton
Susan Buck Sutton, former associate vice chancellor for international affairs, looked for strategic partners for the urban university.

“Comprehensive programs of internationalization come neither easily nor naturally to institutions like IUPUI,” said former Associate Vice Chancellor for International Affairs Susan Buck Sutton. Its internationalization has “defied the odds not by replicating the historical modes of international education found elsewhere but by thinking through what new forms of internationalization might fit the new kind of institution.” For IUPUI, said William Plater, retired executive vice chancellor and dean, internationalization became “a way to unite the campus.”

After Sutton became the international affairs office first full-time director in 2003, she winnowed a bulging, cobwebbed pile of Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) that she inherited. “We had signed around 200 over the years, and with most, nothing (ever) happened,” said Sutton. “It seemed like a friendly thing to do but, after a nice dinner in Bangkok or in Paris or wherever, no one ever thought about what would be needed to sustain the MOU.” 

Strategic Partnerships: The International Fulcrum

IUPUI concentrated on developing close relationships with a limited number of universities. “Internationalization through institutional partnerships has become our defining feature,” said Sutton, an anthropologist who retired this past spring but is spending a year doing international work for Bryn Mawr College. “You collaborate not just in sending students back and forth but in curriculum development, teaching in each others’ classes, and joint research projects.” Such strategic partnerships draw in “faculty and students who previously would never have done anything international,” she added.

“Internationalization through institutional partnerships has become our defining feature....You collaborate not just in sending students back and forth but in curriculum development, teaching in each others’ classes, and joint research projects.”

After campus-wide discussions involving hundreds of faculty and administrators, IUPUI settled on Moi University in Eldoret, Kenya; Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou, China; and the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo (AUEH) in Pachuca, Mexico, as its three closest partners. IUPUI already had a strong base upon which to build its Kenyan ties: the Indiana University School of Medicine helped Moi build its school of medicine in the late 1980s and ever since has been sending a faculty physician for a full year and residents and students on rotations.

Lawrence W. Inlow Hall
Lawrence W. Inlow Hall is home to the IU School of Law.

The IU-Kenya partnership took an extraordinary turn after Professor Joe Mamlin discovered in 2000 that a Moi medical student was among the AIDS patients dying with only palliative care in Moi’s hospital. Mamlin secured antiretroviral drugs for Daniel Ochieng, who recovered, and set about creating a community-based program called the Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH), which today provides AIDS medicines and primary health care to 120,000 Kenyans in dozens of clinics across western Kenya. Seven other U.S. medical schools have joined the effort, which has grown thanks to $60 million in funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development. Fran Quigley, associate director of AMPATH and a clinical professor at the IUPUI School of Law, told the AMPATH story in a 2009 book, Walking Together, Walking Far.

Reaching Across the Curriculum

The IUPUI partnership with Moi now extends well beyond this celebrated medical collaboration. Chancellor Charles Bantz and Moi Chancellor Bethwel A. Ogot in 2006 signed an agreement forging a strategic alliance that has led to joint projects in education, social work, informatics, engineering, business, and other fields.

A campus-wide faculty committee spent two years developing a dozen international learning goals that apply equally to the professional schools as well as the liberal arts. “It’s relatively easy for liberal arts folks, but what is international learning for students in the school of engineering? What about the school of nursing? What about tourism management?” asked Sutton. Understanding societies and cultures became a main objective for student learning.

IUPUI’s Department of Tourism, Conventions, and Event Management twice has sent faculty and students to a town in the Rift Valley where Lornah Kiplagat, a four-time world champion runner, operates the High Altitude Training Centre. They helped the center revamp its Web site and improve marketing aimed at sports teams and tourists from Europe. Kiplagat aspires to open a boarding school for girls at the facility, which is 8,000 feet above sea level. The IUPUI visitors gave advice to women in nearby villages about how to draw more tourists with arts and crafts. They also shared information on health and fitness because obesity is a growing problem, even in a land famed for its fleet runners, according to Assistant Professor of Physical Education Brian Culp.

Ian McIntosh, director of international partnerships, helped organize two reconciliation conferences in Kenya following postelection violence. He also brought Rwandans from both sides of that country’s 1990s civil war and genocide together for a reconciliation conference in Indianapolis. “If you can find ways for students, staff, or faculty to be meaningfully engaged and doing something important in their life, they’ll jump at it,” said McIntosh, an Australian and veteran of work with indigenous peoples.

Impact Overseas and in Indianapolis

The close relationships with Sun Yat-Sen and AUEH have rippled through IUPUI’s hometown. The partnership with Sun Yat-Sen helped IUPUI land a Confucius Institute, not unusual by itself—there are 68 Confucius Institutes across the United States and more than 300 worldwide that promote study of Chinese language and culture—but this was the third institute for Indiana. Only five states have three or more.

It is also the only one headed by a cell biologist. The “day” job for professor-physician-scientist Zao C. “Joe” Xu is running a National Institutes of Health-funded research lab that studies strokes. Xu was skeptical when Guangmei Yan, vice president of Sun Yat-Sen and a former colleague in China, asked him to add leadership of the Confucius Institute to his duties. “I’m not a Chinese studies expert or a language expert. What do you want me for?” he asked.

Yan replied that having attained such professional stature at IUPUI, Xu should make time to contribute to strengthening “the most important bilateral relationship in the world.” Chancellor Bantz and civic leaders play active roles on the institute’s advisory board. It helped mount the first Indianapolis Chinese Festival, subsidizes study abroad in Guangzhou, and runs a language-and-culture day camp for youngsters. “Of course we teach Chinese, but we do more than that,” said Xu. “People are turning to China now. Business is one thing, but the cultural ties…and people-to-people (relationships) will last forever.”

IUPUI and Sun Yat-Sen soon will offer 2+2 bachelor degrees in a half dozen fields, where students earn degrees from both universities after spending two years at each. IUPUI had a 2+2 program for undergraduate engineers with the University of Tehran in Iran until 2009 when they were unable to win U.S. Treasury Department approval for joint master’s degrees.

The partnership with AUEH “is an organic outgrowth of the increasing migratory ties between this heartland area of Mexico and the heartland state of Indiana,” Sutton said. One fruit is a $1 million research collaboration called the Binational Cross-Cultural Health Enhancement Center (BiCCHEC) that engages faculty from many disciplines to work on solutions to problems with oral health, nutrition, and diabetes in distant Mexican towns and immigrant communities in Indiana. Hospitals at IUPUI and AUEH exchange pediatric resident doctors, and medical, nursing and dental students perform service in Jalisco and other Mexican towns.

“IUPUI has doubled its international student numbers to nearly 1,400 over a decade, and Bantz, the chancellor, is eager for more. ‘Great international students are going to raise everybody’s performance.’”

Associate Professor of Dentistry Angeles Martinez-Mier, an expert on fluoride and decay prevention, leads BiCCHEC, which was designated one of IUPUI’s first Signature Centers of Excellence in 2006. Martinez-Mier, herself from Mexico, said they brought IUPUI anthropologists, historians, engineers, educators, and other faculty into the mix because “we soon realized you cannot deal with these health issues if you don’t tackle the social determinants of health.” The learning goes both ways. IU’s James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for Children made adjustments to its bereavement program after a faculty member witnessed how in Hidalgo a hospital for children with serious disabilities helped the parents to grieve.

Michael Snodgrass, associate professor of Latin American history, has studied how immigrants from western Mexico have revitalized run-down Indianapolis neighborhoods. Snodgrass now chairs the fast-growing international studies program.

Making Service a Centerpiece of International Education

IUPUI students
IUPUI students (seated left to right) Cora Daniel of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Pich Seekaew of Chiang Rai, Thailand; (standing left to right) Kawa Cheong of Macau, China, Assoumaou Mayaki of Niamey, Niger, and Wenting Jiang of Hangzhou, China.

IUPUI’s robust Center for Service and Learning has a 12-person staff headed by Bob Bringle, a psychology professor who consults with universities around the world on service learning. Bringle has hosted national workshops and coedited a book on international service learning. He argues that even short-term participation heightens students’ knowledge, ethical sensitivity, and interest in global issues. “A third of our study abroad courses have a service-learning component,” said Bringle, who once helped Sutton add a service component to the summer course on modern Greece she taught on the island of Paros. IUPUI Informatics students still perform service on Paros, such as producing videos at the mayor’s request to promote the island’s cultural heritage, said Stephanie Leslie, director of study abroad.

David Jan Cowan, director of the architectural technology program with the School of Engineering and Technology, has led IUPUI students to Thailand and Indonesia under the aegis of his Global Design Studio, a volunteer project that helps communities recovering from disasters or blight. Cowan, now an associate professor, said international activities “launched my career” at IUPUI. 

Backing International Ambitions With Resources

IUPUI’s global emphasis received a shot in the arm in 2005 when it joined the American Council on Education’s Internationalization Collaborative. The international affairs office, which Plater remembers as having a budget of $500 when it started in 1987, has matured into a $1.7 million operation with a staff of 30 and prime space in a heavily trafficked building in the heart of campus. 

IUPUI has doubled its international student numbers to nearly 1,400 over a decade, and Bantz, the chancellor, is eager for more. “Great international students are going to raise everybody’s performance,” he said. Among those students is Wenting Jiang, 24, a junior marketing major from Hangzhou, China. “We can say the entire downtown is our campus,” said Jiang. “Although we cannot work off campus, I personally get lots of chances to visit companies and do some networking.”
The emphasis at IUPUI on global health drew junior Pich Seekaew, 19, a premed biology major from Chang Rai, Thailand, who founded a chapter of the Timmy Foundation, which sends medical volunteers overseas. “We’re trying to increase the engagement between these amazing (health) schools on campus.”

Challenge of Internationalizing a Commuter Campus

Study abroad numbers at the predominantly commuter school are also up more than twofold to 410. More than 6,000 of the 22,000 undergraduates attend classes part-time. IUPUI was open admissions until a decade ago. The six-year graduation rate for freshmen who enrolled in fall 2004 was just 34 percent (This is an Indiana-wide problem; the manufacturing-heavy state ranks 42nd in percentage of adults with bachelor’s degrees). 

George Edwards
Indiana University School of Law-Indianapolis Professor George Edwards’ international human rights law program has received special consultative status from the UN.

The freshman retention rate has jumped from 64 to 73 percent over the past five years and Executive Vice Chancellor Uday Sukhatme is seeking to further enrich the student experience with his RISE to the IUPUI Challenge initiative, which encourages all undergraduates to engage in Research, International, Service, and Experiential learning or RISE (the name Uday means rise in Hindi). Students who complete at least two of these activities get a special notation on their transcripts. The first to do all four was senior Cora Daniel, 22, a nursing major from Fort Wayne, Indiana, who worked in a Kenyan orphanage, studied in Strasbourg, France, and was headed after graduation to Benin as a Peace Corps volunteer.

Recognizing that not everyone can fit education abroad into their schedule, global dialogue courses allow students to talk over videoconference links with counterparts in classrooms in Mexico, Russia, and elsewhere. “We’ve had nursing classes, education classes, and others,” said Dawn Whitehead, director of curriculum internationalization. Freshmen are targeted because “we want them to have this international perspective as early as possible.”

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2011 Comprehensive Beloit College

Like a championship basketball team from the past, the first dozen Beloit College students who flew off to Europe in 1960 are still remembered and celebrated at the Wisconsin campus as “the Brussels Sprouts” who set the pace for study abroad. Beloit’s international roots extend to the nineteenth century when the first international students enrolled and alumni founded universities in Japan and Turkey. Campus museums display the artifacts that archeology and anthropology professors brought back from Africa and Asia. Between the two world wars, Dean George Collie made headlines with a proposal to turn Beloit into a “world college” for students from around the globe dedicated to pursuing peace and racial harmony.

Today this liberal arts campus by the scenic Rock River is renowned for its success in integrating education abroad into the curriculum. Working with colleagues from Kalamazoo College, International Education Director Elizabeth Brewer coedited and other Beloit faculty contributed to an entire book on the topic, Integrating Study Abroad Into the Curriculum: Theory and Practice Across the Disciplines, which lays out a blueprint for maximizing the benefits of education abroad. “We established a mission statement for international education and then invented learning goals for study abroad,” said Brewer. “We’ve focused on multiple things—communication skills, understanding oneself, learning from the host country, and not just about the host country but making discoveries about the subjects the students study here.” Beloit also is a sponsor of the journal, Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad. A signature Beloit approach is its Cities in Transition courses that use foreign cities as classrooms and send students off on explorations after teaching them how to map new places, conduct ethnographic studies, and interview strangers about their everyday lives. Brewer, an adjunct professor in German, has helped Beloit secure steady support from foundations for these efforts. Brewer, director of the international education office since 2002, is a former study abroad director who took three years off in mid-career to serve as a Peace Corps volunteer in rural Slovakia.

Integrating Student Insights From Abroad

ITC 2011 Beloit President
President Scott Bierman says Beloit pays great attention to careful preparation before departure and thoughtful celebration of students’ experiences after study abroad.

The 45 percent of Beloit students who take part in education abroad may spend a semester at one of the college’s 11 bilateral exchange partners or sign up for classes offered by other affiliated universities and study abroad organizations. Almost half study in Asia, Latin America, or Africa and only a small number go to any one place. “Our students become extremely self-sufficient, self-reliant, and independent. They learn to problem solve because they are on their own,” said Beth Dougherty, chair of the international relations department. They must write a series of short essays before they go overseas about how the particular program will enhance their education and demonstrate forethought about the country and people they will encounter. The Committee on International Education, composed of six faculty and two students, reviews each application and sometimes orders rewrites. “We pay a lot of attention to their preparation before they go, and we celebrate the experiences in substantial ways when they return,” said President Scott Bierman. The college calls off classes on a Wednesday in mid-November for an International Symposium where dozens of students make presentations on what they learned overseas. Among topics explored in the 47 talks in November 2010 were human rights activism in China, persecution of albinos in Uganda, Muscovites’ remembrance of their war dead, and Mexicans’ use of the folk healing method curanderismo.

The Cities in Transition experiential learning courses have been offered since 2005 in such places as Moscow; Kaifeng and Jinan, China; and, with Mellon Foundation support, in Quito, Ecuador. The students attend other classes taught by local faculty, but a Beloit professor back in Wisconsin directs their research projects and joins them once or twice over the course of the semester. Beloit students have studied the life-size statues and funerary art in a famous Moscow cemetery, interviewed peddlers who erect a “night market” on the streets of Kaifeng each evening, and explored the hardships of life as a migrant worker in Senegal’s capital. Their professors use the Internet to guide and monitor the students’ site-based learning. Some students have won Fulbright grants to continue these explorations after graduation. In a comparative Cities in Transition course taught mainly on the home campus, students examine issues of health and poverty in Beloit and Managua, Nicaragua, where they spend a week mid-semester. 

The Cities in Transition pedagogy “helps students get out and look at a city in ways they wouldn’t otherwise,” said Donna Oliver, a professor of Russian who dispatches the students to Moscow’s Novoderichy cemetery to begin their research on remembrance. Daniel Youd, chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, said a fascination with contemporary China draws many students into study of Mandarin. At first some questioned why they were going to provincial cities instead of Beijing, “but as the word has gotten out that these are great programs, students are more than excited to go to Kaifeng and Jinan,” Youd said.

Unparalleled Preparation for World Citizenship

Beloit adopted a mission statement in 2005 that reads, “Our emphasis on international and interdisciplinary perspectives, the integration of knowledge with experience, and close collaboration among peers, professors, and staff equips our students to approach the complex problems of the world ethically and thoughtfully.” Its 2008 Strategic Plan for the 21st Century committed the college to expanding the Cities in Transition offerings and providing “unparalleled preparation for world citizenship to all students.” 

“Our emphasis on international and interdisciplinary perspectives, the integration of knowledge with experience, and close collaboration among peers, professors, and staff equips our students to approach the complex problems of the world ethically and thoughtfully.”

Natalie Gummer, an associate professor of religious studies and expert on Buddhism who has twice taught Cities in Transition courses in China, uses the same mapping and exploration techniques in a freshman seminar she directs that dispatches new students out into Beloit, a city of 36,000 residents dealing with aging industry and one of the highest unemployment rates in Wisconsin. While Beloit may not seem as exotic and unfamiliar as Kaifeng or Quito, the exercise gets the college students thinking from the start “about their role in the community and how to engage thoughtfully with the city and its people,” said Gummer.

Although Beloit has no foreign language requirement, 70 percent of students sign up for at least one language class. Half reach the intermediate level and a quarter complete four semesters of Spanish, French, German, Russian, Mandarin, or Japanese. The college provides resources for students to study Arabic on their own, and offers intensive summer classes in Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian. All students must take at least two courses on global relations and on another language or culture. Beloit opened a Center for the Study of World Affairs, now part of the international education office, back in 1960, the same year those education abroad pioneers flew off to Brussels.

Grants from the Freeman, Mellon, and Luce foundations have enabled Beloit to add faculty in international relations, Chinese, and Japanese, as well as art history. A third of the 105-member faculty contributed to an Asian studies push that led to a flowering of new courses, including one called The Physics of Asian Music. Twenty-nine faculty traveled to Asia with Freeman Foundation support. 

Support for International Students

Beloit enrolled 109 international students in 2009– 10, or 8 percent of the student body. It provides more financial aid to international undergraduates than most U.S. colleges its size or larger. “It’s an enormous commitment on the part of the college, but it’s part of our mission, part of our history,” said Bierman.

ITC 2011 Beloit Students
Ted Liu, sophomore from Chengdu, China, is majoring in economics and anthropology, and Kristof Huszar, exchange student from Budapest, Hungary, is an aspiring mathematician.

The beneficiaries include sophomore Teng (Ted) Liu, 20, of Chengdu, China, the son of a local official and a policeman. It took just one class at Beloit for Liu to decide to major not only in economics but also anthropology. The college gave him a grant to spend a month in New York City’s Chinatown after his freshman year researching how Buddhism helps Chinese immigrants adjust to U.S. life. “Anthropologists and economists need to learn from each other,” said Liu, who believes cultural sensitivity will stand him in good stead for an international business career.

“Anthropologists and economists need to learn from each other, said Liu, who believes cultural sensitivity will stand him in good stead for an international business career.”

Kristof Huszar, 20, an exchange student from Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary, savored his one semester on the Wisconsin campus. “I learned new things from different perspectives,” said the budding mathematician, son of a history professor and English teacher. “I have many American friends. The whole atmosphere here is very international. It’s just a global thinking. Quite often students from five continents sit at the same table and have lunch together. This was such a great experience for me.”

Weissberg Chair Draws International Leaders

Each spring the college brings in a prominent international figure for a weeklong series of classes and lectures first made possible by a gift from Marvin Weissberg, a real estate developer and Beloit parent. Daughter Nina Weissberg, class of 1984, now a trustee, is involved as well. Former Iraqi defense, finance, and trade minister Ali Allawi held the visiting Weissberg Chair in International Studies in 2011. Among his predecessors dating back to 1999 have been Palestinian leader Hanan Ashrawi, South African Justice Richard Goldstone, and Jan Egeland, former head of humanitarian affairs for the United Nations.

Allawi, an exile during the long regime of Saddam Hussein and his Ba’ath Party, survived two attempts on his life in Baghdad. The historian now sees “a glimmer of light at the end of a dark tunnel” for Iraq and the Middle East. He drew hope from how France and Germany resolved their historic enmity, and from South Korea’s reconciliation with Japan despite years of mistreatment. “The Koreans transcended that. They had to. It’s a question not only of survival but the well being of their people. You can’t just be looking at rectifying historical injustices all the time,” said Allawi. “There has to be something better at the end of the day.”

Short-Term ‘Advertisements’ for Semester Study Abroad

ITC 2011 Beloit International Studies
Real estate developer Marvin Weissberg, with daughter Nina, an alumna and trustee, endowed a visiting chair in international studies as well as human rights lectures.

It might be expected that at a liberal arts college with such emphasis on international education, an even higher percentage of students would study abroad. The emphasis on semester programs and the academic calendar at Beloit—there is no January term—“works against us in terms of the metrics,” said Bierman. For first- and second-year students he favors adding new, short-term education abroad offerings “carefully crafted so that they are not seen as substitutes for the semester-length experiences, but rather as advertisements for a subsequent longer period abroad.”

Bierman sees a double advantage to having faculty lead short-term education abroad courses: it would enrich their own international experience and expertise. “We expect faculty to introduce international elements into nearly every class that they teach at Beloit, but that would be leveraged if faculty also had greater opportunities to teach abroad,” the president said.

Up to three-quarters of international relations majors write senior theses on topics they began researching abroad. Pablo Toral, associate professor of political science, said one student who studied disruptions caused by two big dams in Thailand knew so much about the project that students at the Thai university took to calling her “Mrs. Dam.”

Cultivating ‘Intentionality’ About Study Abroad

ITC 2011 Beloit Professor
Pablo Toral, associate professor of political science, assures international relations majors without a thesis topic that the “topic will find you” when they study abroad.

The Spanish-born Toral advises students who head abroad without a thesis topic in mind “to relax. If you don’t find your thesis, the thesis topic will find you.” The key is to steer them to the right courses beforehand, help them ask the right questions while abroad, “and when they come back, you can’t let the dream die. You have to keep feeding them, pushing them,” said Toral. International education “is a never ending project.”

This strong focus on cultivating “student intentionality” about education abroad and then encouraging undergraduates to take full advantage of international events on campus are “helping us improve the learning outcomes from study abroad,” said Brewer. Students “are bound to learn something if you send them overseas, but the outcomes are so much stronger if you help them think about what they’re trying to achieve before they go.”

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2012 Spotlight Washington & Jefferson

When Tori Haring-Smith was in seventh grade, her imagination was captured by a book the journalist and war correspondent John Sack wrote about his travels to the 13 smallest countries on the planet. Nine years later, with Swarthmore College diploma in hand, she set out to retrace his steps to Sark, Swat, Sikkim, and other off-the-beaten-track places. Her 12-month journey came courtesy of a Thomas J. Watson Fellowship, bestowed on a select group of liberal arts college students for a year of independent travel and study around the world. Watson fellows don’t have to take classes or do academic research. They just have to use their imaginations to explore the world, as 2,500 have done since 1969 with generous grants from the late IBM chairman’s foundation. 

ITC 2012 Washington & Jefferson Freshman
Freshman Amanda Tse ’14 was a medical volunteer in Peru on her Magellan project.

Haring-Smith, like many Watson fellows, gravitated toward academe, teaching theater and writing at Brown University, serving as executive director of the Watson Fellowship, becoming a dean and vice president at Willamette University, and then in 2005 being named the twelfth president of Washington & Jefferson College in Washington, Pennsylvania. Washington & Jefferson (W&J) now has its own version of the Watson: the Magellan Project, which helps students pursue global intellectual adventures during college summers. The college provides both extensive mentoring, including workshops on how to write compelling project proposals, and financial support to make the projects happen. Since 2008 it has green-lighted and funded 100 Magellan Projects, including some that did not require a passport but all of which “involve purposeful travel and exploration in new and unfamiliar surroundings.” The grants average $2,000.

The college has a one-stop referral location to help students through the application process. The projects are self-directed, but the Magellan Scholars painstakingly map their plans in advance with a faculty mentor. They also must convince a committee composed of an associate dean, the head of career services, and three professors that the project is feasible. Every scholar attends a writing workshop in February and commits to telling others (including prospective W&J students) about their journeys upon their return. It is all aimed at assisting students “in crafting and in telling compelling stories of curiosity and achievement that will be useful throughout their college years” and beyond, as explained on the Magellan Project Web site.

From Diagnosticians to Problem Solvers

The Magellan Project has quickly become a signature feature of the college. It has its own $1 million endowment and its laurels include a 2010 Andrew Heiskell Award for Innovation in International Education. Moreover, said Haring-Smith, it has effected a change in how students view poverty and other social inequities. “It’s taken them from a stance that essentially said, ‘There’s a problem; someone should solve it,’ to ‘There’s a problem and I am going to help solve it.’” 

The college, which traces its roots to three “log cabin colleges” established in the 1780s by Presbyterian ministers that merged in 1865, enrolls 1,450 students on a 60-acre campus in the town of Washington, 30 miles south of Pittsburgh. 

The college sends about 190 students on traditional education abroad programs each year, many on faculty-led three-week classes in January. But Haring–Smith was intent on finding new ways to thrust them into situations “where they would be on their own, independently solving problems… without anybody to fall back on.” The Magellan Project, she said, was in keeping with the college’s mission statement, which speaks of graduating men and women “prepared to contribute substantially to the world in which they live,” and with a 2007 strategic plan that set a goal of bringing “the world into W&J and W&J into the world.” 

A Layperson’s Guide for Cancer Patients

ITC 2012 Washington & Jefferson Sophomore
Sophomore Haley Roberts (third from r.) did her first Magellan interning with granular cell tumor researchers in New Zealand and wrote a guide to the disease she herself survived.

The projects can revolve around independent research, service, or internships, but formal classroom study is out of bounds. Projects have included studying Holocaust sites in Europe, examining the healthcare system in Cyprus, volunteering at medical clinics in the Dominican Republic and South Africa, and preparing a patients’ guide to granulosa cell tumor (GCT) research.

Sophomore Haley Roberts wrote that guide after interning for GCT researchers at the University of Auckland in New Zealand. Roberts, a student athlete and economics major, survived the cancer at age 16. “When I was diagnosed in 2009, I was frustrated that I didn’t fully understand GCT or treatment options or how cancer worked. Patients wanted to know about the science behind their disease to make better medical decisions and talk to their doctors intelligently,” she said, but the typical scientific medical article was indecipherable. As a result, she published The Genetics of Granulosa Cell Tumour, An Unofficial Guide for the Scientifically Illiterate, which has been downloaded hundreds of times from the Granulosa Cell Tumour Research Foundation’s Web site. Roberts, who remains in remission, now aspires to a career in public health.

Deciphering the Tax Code of Opportunities

Washington & Jefferson College had a panoply of student research and internship awards and opportunities before the Magellan, but “it was extremely confusing. It was like the tax code," said Haring-Smith. “We said, ‘Let’s call these all Magellans.’” 

Nick Tyger, a molecular biology major, is among a handful of students who snagged three Magellans over successive summers. The grants supported his work volunteering and recruiting other students to volunteer to set up health clinics in poor, mountain villages in the Dominican Republic near Haiti. He also travelled to Cusco, Peru, to scout other locations for clinics.

That didn’t pan out, but the club Tyger established, Presidents Without Borders (a nod to the college nickname), attracted 40 members and sent volunteers to Nicaragua in summer 2012. Tyger, who is headed to chiropractic college, said, “I have a new outlook on the global community. I thought before I left that these types of problems—hunger and poverty—were so much farther away than they actually are. Just a short plane ride and you’re in the midst of it.”

Not a Good Magellan Without Tears

ITC 2012 Washington & Jefferson Projects
Freshmen Julia Pacilio, Alexandra Helberg, and Rebeca Miller (holding sign) taught English and gender issues and studied health care in Ecuador on their Magellans projects.

Tiffani Gottschall, an economics professor who is the Magellan adviser for sophomores, said students typically have “a lot of nerves” as they embark on their projects. “They touch down in the airport in Turkey or Egypt and find themselves alone. Now what do they do?” she asked. James Sloat, associate dean for assessment and new initiatives, said, “In some sense, it’s not a good Magellan unless there are tears along the journey.” 

A third of W&J students are the first in their family to attend college and 20 percent qualify for need-based Pell Grants. They do not “have a sense of entitlement or superiority….They feel, ‘I’m just an average person,’” Haring-Smith said. It’s an enormous boost to their self-confidence when they extricate themselves from situations “where the last bus has gone up the mountain to the village where they are staying, and they have no money and no place to stay and no phone and no place to call even if they had a phone.”

Magellan Scholars are given ample opportunities to speak about their experiences, including recruiting pitches to freshmen before the new students sign a pledge at a matriculation ceremony to work toward becoming global citizens.

Educating Parents

Freshman, sophomores, and juniors with at least a 2.5 GPA can apply. The college awards about 25 Magellans each year. Haring-Smith would like to see many more. Increasing the number “actually has more to do with educating parents than educating students,” said the president, who has had to allay concerns of parents worried about sending their daughters or sons off to distant lands alone. She tells them: “You’ve raised a child who can do this.”

Carol Barno of Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, was one of those anxious parents in 2010 when freshman daughter Erin set off to study architecture in Europe. The mathematics and art major has since done two more Magellan projects. “They’ve given her such confidence. She’s not that little 18-yearold girl I sent to W&J saying, ‘Oh, God, please take care of her,’” said Barno. Erin, a star field hockey player, concurs: “Traveling abroad on my own has made me fearless.”

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