2021 Comprehensive Davidson-Davie Community College
Davidson-Davie Community College is a public, two-year community college with two campuses in north-central North Carolina. Despite limited resources, the college has become a leader in international education among North Carolina’s 58 community colleges. With a commitment to enhancing global awareness outlined in its strategic plan, the college exposes its 11,000 students to global perspectives through its globalized courses, internationally focused events on campus, and the presence of international students and scholars.
Ayannia Tripp had never heard of studying abroad before she got a work-study job at the Office of International Education at Davidson-Davie Community College (which changed its name from Davidson County Community College in January 2021). “I was just a regular college student going to school, just trying to get a degree,” she says. “I never really heard of international education. So I just kind of jumped on the opportunity.”
Her supervisor, Suzanne LaVenture, MA, encouraged her to think about studying abroad. “I told her, ‘Honestly speaking, I don’t even know what that is,’” says Tripp, who is now a senior at the University of North Carolina Greensboro.
Eight months later, Tripp found herself on a weeklong study abroad program to Ireland over spring break. “It made me more confident as an individual,” she says.
Tripp, like nearly half of the students enrolled at Davidson-Davie, is the first in her family to go to college. LaVenture, the director of international education, says that one of the goals of internationalization at the college is to create international opportunities for all students.
Building A Foundation For Internationalization
LaVenture says that much of Davidson-Davie’s commitment to internationalization started with the college’s former president, Mary Rittling, EdD, who led the college from 2003 until she retired in 2018. “She was a huge proponent of international education,” LaVenture says.
Rittling, who served as chair of the board of Community Colleges for International Development (CCID) and was a Fulbright scholar to India, helped bolster international education by increasing education abroad opportunities and working with federal programs such as Fulbright to bring international scholars and students to campus. It was under her leadership that internationalization became embedded in the college’s strategic plan. Rittling appointed LaVenture director of international education in 2010, when she was still teaching a full courseload in the Spanish department. She is still the only full-time staff member working in the Office of International Education, along with a part-time employee who works 25 hours per week. “I’m in charge of anything and everything that has international on it,” LaVenture says. “If we can internationalize at Davidson-Davie Community College, then anybody can.”
Internationalization efforts at Davidson-Davie are also bolstered by the 30-member International Education Committee, which has representatives from across the campus. LaVenture says she has intentionally recruited faculty and staff from as many different areas of the college as possible. In that sense, the committee serves as a vehicle to disseminate information about international education campuswide. The wide representation also helps build a campus culture around internationalization. “The International Ed Committee is where all of the campus internationalization efforts are centralized,” she says.
The members of the larger committee can opt to join a number of subcommittees that work on specific topics, such as study abroad, a global certificate program, virtual exchange, and internationalizing the curriculum.
Victoria Hundley, MA, career and college promise coordinator, serves on the Study Abroad Committee, which selects leaders for education abroad programs. The committee reviews faculty proposals and then identifies the programs they think will be most attractive to students. More recently, the committee was involved with drafting COVID-19 safety policies and procedures.
Hundley says that being on the study abroad committee has been a way for her to get involved with international education even though it is outside of the scope of her regular job. She says it improves not only the student experience but also the employee experience. “Coming from the perspective of somebody who loved international ed and was looking for a way to work in it, Davidson-Davie was just a godsend for me,” she says. “It was [the institution’s] international ed committee that drew me there and made me know that it was where I wanted to work. The people who are doing it do it because it’s something they love.”
President Darrin Hartness, EdD, says that students at Davidson-Davie have access to global experiences that they are not likely to find at most community colleges. “If you had to describe the international experience at Davidson-Davie Community College, it really comes in a variety of formats, and that might be in the form of speakers on global issues or panel discussions of industry leaders who are brought in to talk about the importance of global education and global awareness in the workplace,” Hartness says. “It might be a study abroad experience. In 2020, it might be a virtual study abroad experience. It could be the instruction in a foreign language from a Fulbright teaching assistant.”
Launching Global Scholars
The 2013 launch of Scholars of Global Distinction, a global certificate program that is informally referred to as Global Scholars, ushered in a new phase for internationalization at Davidson-Davie. The program helped faculty internationalize their courses and incentivized support for internationally focused campus programming.
To earn the Global Scholars distinction, students must take five globalized courses; attend eight globally focused activities called Passport Events; participate in a global experience, which includes study abroad or virtual exchange; and produce a capstone project. Students who successfully complete the program receive a designation on their transcript and special recognition at graduation.
As of May 2021, 472 students had enrolled in the Global Scholars program. Of those students, 133 completed the requirements to earn the distinction on their transcript.
One of those students is 17-year-old Grace Upton. As a participant in Davidson-Davie’s early college program, she has been able to earn college credit as a high school student. When she graduates from high school next year, she will earn not only her high school diploma but also an associate’s degree and a Global Scholars distinction.
Upton was planning to study abroad in South Africa last summer, but the program was postponed until summer 2022. The scholarship she received to participate will carry over until next year. “I did know that I wanted to study abroad, but I didn’t think that would be accessible until I went to a four-year university,” she says. “But it’s amazing that I have that opportunity as a high schooler to travel abroad and receive scholarships and have a supportive group that goes with me.”
To meet the Global Scholars program’s requirement for a global experience, Upton participated in a virtual exchange with students from Jordan as part of the Global Solutions Sustainability Challenge, a U.S. State Department-sponsored program that pairs community college and university students in the United States on collaborative teams with their peers in Iraq and Jordan. Upton worked on a team that developed the concept for an app that would link artists with recycled materials they could use in their work.
Upton, who wants to become a veterinarian, says she has been surprised at how much exposure to other countries and cultures she has received at a community college. “It just really teaches you a lot of empathy and communicating and being accepting of viewpoints that you might not understand,” she says. “It just prepares you to be a better student, a better member of society, and it will make you a better employee when you’re working with people from different places.”
Davidson-Davie’s Global Scholars program has also become a model for other community colleges in North Carolina, LaVenture says. In 2014, Davidson-Davie teamed up with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s World View, a public service program focused on equipping K–12 and community college educators with global competency. World View initiated a statewide consortium to encourage other colleges to adopt the program. Many colleges consulted directly with LaVenture on creating their own programs.
In fall 2019, Davidson-Davie hosted a curriculum internationalization workshop in collaboration with World View, drawing more than 90 participants from across North Carolina. The conference included keynote speakers, information sessions, and breakout groups that worked by discipline on globalizing courses. LaVenture has also presented with World View about the program at various conferences, such as those organized by CCID and the Association of American Colleges & Universities.
Internationalizing The Curriculum Through Globalized Courses
The Global Scholars program provided an impetus for faculty to internationalize the curriculum. As Davidson-Davie began planning the program in 2012–13, several instructors received small grants from World View to globalize their classes. Since then, 81 courses have been globalized by 162 faculty members, and more than 10,000 Davidson-Davie students have been enrolled in one or more of these courses.
Biology professor Paul Stevens, MS, attended a World View seminar on globalizing courses several years ago. He used it as an opportunity to bring international content into his general biology classes. He has focused on the global water crisis and the shortage of clean water in many places in the world. More recently, he has helped students do projects on endangered species in other countries.
Pharmacy technology professor LaQuoia Johnson, PharmD, teaches a course called Pharmacy Trends: What Language Does Your Patient Hurt In? Each week, the course focuses on a different culture and how its beliefs and practices affect health care. She encourages her students to reflect on the conflicts and challenges that patients from other countries might experience in the United States, as well as how to work with colleagues from other cultures.
Charles Wright, a former Marine who served in Iraq in the early 2000s, says he first heard about the Global Scholars program from math professor Amanda Klinger, MA. He was originally interested in the program as a way to add something else to his résumé, but he quickly realized the value of learning about other countries and cultures both in and out of the classroom.
Wright says that his first question to any instructor whose class he takes is whether or not their course is globalized. He says he would seriously consider transferring out of any course that was not globalized because “we’re in college to expand our minds.”
The Global Scholars program has also led to more internationally themed campus programming. Every semester, the Office of International Education hosts 25 to 30 activities known as Passport Events for the campus community. Passport Events include lectures from visiting Fulbright scholars, information sessions about study abroad, panels with international students, presentations by Davidson-Davie faculty, and online video lectures with partners abroad. “We came up with this pretty robust system of trying to offer something for all students on campus [with the idea of] bringing the world to them,” LaVenture says.
For example, history professor Gerald Bosch, MA, hosts a monthly chat for students about international events happening around the world. He started it in 2011 during the Arab Spring protests in several Muslim countries. More recently, he has led discussions on COVID-19 around the world and the coup in Myanmar.
Leveraging Grant Programs For International Education
Davidson-Davie has hosted 15 Fulbright foreign language teaching assistants (FLTAs) over the past 9 years. The teaching assistants have come from eight different countries and taught Arabic, French, Irish, Portuguese, and Russian, and the college successfully petitioned for Irish language to be added to the common course library in North Carolina. In 2021–22, Davidson-Davie will host a Fulbright scholar-in-residence from Argentina as well as Fulbright FLTAs from France and Ireland.
In 2020–21, Caolán Ó Coisneacháin was the only FLTA on campus due to the pandemic. He has taught Irish language and culture classes and hosted a number of cultural events, including a St. Patrick’s Day sing-along and a demonstration of hurling, a traditional Gaelic field sport. He was involved with the college’s International Club, which organizes events throughout the year and hosts a weekly language hour.
Timothy Gwillim, EdD, dean of workforce and community engagement, helps support the FLTAs while they are on campus. He says that FLTAs participate in new faculty orientation and host Passport Events. They also take classes related to U.S. culture and history.
“Everyone’s made me feel at home,” Ó Coisneacháin says. “I feel like even with all the limitations and restrictions that COVID has forced on us, we’ve managed to do okay in making things available for students.
For off-campus programming, the college has used grant funding from external agencies to create some of its education abroad programs. A 100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund grant helped support a study abroad program to Argentina in collaboration with the Universidad Nacional de Villa María, while an IDEAS (Increase and Diversify Education Abroad for U.S. Students) grant from the Capacity Building Program for U.S. Study Abroad helped LaVenture develop a program in South Africa in partnership with Central Piedmont Community College.
The Office of International Education has worked closely with the Davidson-Davie Foundation to raise scholarship funds for students who would not be able to afford study abroad on their own. “There’s not a big budget for global education, but we’ve been really fortunate that our foundation has been extremely supportive of the scholarship,” Hartness says.
Because colleges do not have financial incentive to recruit international students due to the unique funding model that requires North Carolina community colleges to remit all tuition to the state system, Davidson-Davie has also focused on grant opportunities to bring sponsored students to campus. It has brought international students to campus through participation in the Community College Initiative Program and the Tunisia Community College Scholarship Program, both sponsored by the U.S. Department of State.
“We have tried really hard to have international students on our campus,” LaVenture says. “So even though it costs us financially to host international students, we take advantage of any opportunity.”
Supporting Global Careers
To support global careers, Davidson-Davie leverages an ongoing connection with Egger, an Austrian company that manufactures wood-based panel products. Egger opened its first North American production plant in Lexington, North Carolina, in 2020. Several faculty members and administrators traveled to Austria for a company visit and helped design a curriculum to prepare future employees. “We have developed an apprenticeship program with the company to help train new employees for the company,” Gwillim says.
The company pays students to work 4 days a week and then take classes from Davidson-Davie 1 day a week. After 4 years, students earn an associate’s degree in industrial systems technology or electronics, engineering, and technology. The second cohort to participate in the program graduated in May 2021.
Egger has also participated in employability panels to talk about the global skills it looks for in employees.
Hartness says he often meets with companies that are interested in hiring students from the college. “To be able to say that our students have access to global experiences, it sets us apart as a college.”