Recruitment, Enrollment, and Advising

Principles of Nonresident Alien Tax Compliance

Increase your knowledge of nonresident tax compliance with this comprehensive overview. All of the critical tax concepts are included as well as model practices on how to build a collaborative team across your campus to support student, scholar, and institutional compliance. Learn from experts in
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Filing Academic H-1B Petitions

September 25 - 27, 2024 | 2:00 pm
A foundational overview for professionals new to the H-1B petition process. Learn key regulatory information from experts in the field who provide guidance and insights into the common pitfalls that come with these petitions. This workshop helps you prepare the petition and also learn model
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J-1 Advising: Intermediate

August 20 - 22, 2024 | 2:00 pm
This workshop compliments and broadens your knowledge gained after completing the J-1 Advising for Beginners workshop since it goes more deeply into grey areas of J advising. This workshop is designed to help you think through the development of policies, procedures, and practices necessary to
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J-1 Advising for Beginners

This essential training, geared for the new Responsible Officer or Alternate Responsible Officer, covers all of the basic regulatory aspects of the J Exchange Visitor Program. New advisers will gain a relevant overview of the current regulatory issues as well as the opportunity to think through how
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F-1 Advising: Secondary Students

This workshop contains specific content that secondary school Designated School Officials (DSOs) need to best assist F-1 students. Learn the rules that affect your F-1 students and your role in serving them. Gain key compliance information for the DSO’s role, learn how to respond to common requests
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F-1 Student Advising: Intermediate

July 16 - 18, 2024 | 2:00 pm
As a seasoned F-1 Adviser, you have learned that most student advising cases are not as straight forward as they initially seem. This workshop allows you to walk through nuanced situations and learn how to integrate federal regulations with your campus’ own rules to build sound institutional
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Recruiting Virtually with U.S. Commercial Service

As we move into planning for the future and a new recruitment cycle with lean staffing model and budget constraints, institutions are seeking alternative ways to recruit students. Learn about the U.S. Commercial Service’s virtual resources that institutions can utilize in their international student
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F-1 Student Advising for Beginners

A must-have training for the new Designated School Official (DSO) to jump-start their career. The workshop offers new advisers a key foundation for understanding the compliance role of the DSO. Participants will benefit from a solid combination of specific knowledge that can be applied to common
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Employment-Based Permanent Residence

Clear institutional policies and procedures are essential for employment-based lawful permanent residence. In this workshop participants will examine faculty and non-faculty employment-based permanent residency cases to define issues, review required forms and processes, and develop strong
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