Compliance Management

INS letter from J. Bednarz to D. Swaim discussing OPT issues

INS letter from J. Bednarz to D. Swaim discussing OPT issuesExcerpts from the March April 1993 correspondence between Jackie Bednarz, Chief, Nonimmigrant Branch, Adjudications, INS (HQ 214.f C, April 5, 1993) and attorney David Swaim, concerning various optional practical training.
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INS Memo on H-1B Admission Periods

INS headquarters memo instructed ports of entry that an alien should be admitted for the full period of validity of the H-1B petition, and that the expiration date recorded on Form I-94 should match the expiration date on the I-797 notice of approval of the H-1B petition, unless the period of
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Hathaway Children's Services

Hathaway Children's Services91 INA 388 (February 4, 1994) BALCA held in this case that in identifying the pool of workers to include in a prevailing wage survey, the nature of the employer is not a relevant factor in making prevailing wage determinations.
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GAL 2-98

GAL 2 98 and GAL 2 99Department of Labor's GAL 2 98 and GAL 2 99. GAL 2 98 and GAL 2 991997 10 31
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DOL LCA Interim Final Rule 2000

DOL LCA Interim Final Rule titled Labor Condition Applications and Requirements for Employers Using Nonimmigrants on H-1B Visas in Specialty Occupations and as Fashion Models; Labor Certification Process for Permanent Employment of Aliens in the United States.
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