The leaders of the Region V Knowledge Communities (KC) are hosting virtual "Office Hours" each month in order to answer any questions or discuss issues that any Region V NAFSAn may have. Please bring all of your questions/issues which will be discussed with the KC reps and your other Region V colleagues! The following are this month’s Office Hours for each of our KCs with the Zoom links:


TLS Knowledge Community

Monday, May 13th

2pm CST/3pm EST

Zoom Link

EA Knowledge Community

No May KC Office Hours for EA

Zoom Link

K-12 Knowledge Community

Thursday, May 9th

1pm CST/2pm EST

Zoom Link

ISSS Knowledge Community

Thursday, May 9th

2pm CST/3pm EST

Zoom Link

IEL Knowledge Community

Thursday, May 23rd

2pm CST/3pm EST

Zoom Link

IEM Knowledge Community

Thursday, May 15th

2pm CST/3pm EST

Zoom Link