Sheena Maria Connell
Sheena Maria Connell has been involved with the development of international education at public and private U.S. universities, Intensive English Programs, and secondary schools. She has more than 10 years of combined experience in an international education setting, SEVP regulations and policy, SEVIS functionality, international enrollment management, recruitment initiatives, cross-cultural training, university-community partnerships, student programming, and NAFSA mentoring. As a current NAFSA KC ISSS national team member, previous two-term NAFSA Academy coach, and recipient of the NAFSA Region III Special Service to International Education Award, much of her career and personal development has been guided by knowledgeable and driven NAFSA colleagues and mentors. As a member leader and NAFSA Trainer Corps member, Connell strives to be a partner in facilitating new IE professionals' growth as they explore, uncover resources, and forge a bold and informed professional life in international education.