Regional Awards

Nominations are open for the Regional Awards that we give out at the Region III Conference every year. The deadline to submit nominations is September 1, 2024. The link to submit nomination information for each of these awards is below.

Region III Awards Nominations Form

Rising Star Young Leader Award

Selection Criteria
To be considered for the Region III Rising Star Young Leader Award a nominee:

  1. May or may not be a NAFSA member
  2. Has served in their present area of expertise/specialization no more than five years
  3. Shows passion and has made significant contributions to their department, unit, institution, organization, to the Region III NAFSA community, and/or to the field of international education
  4. Has engaged in activities such as:
    • Organized or led an activity or range of activities or services within their organization that promotes international education
    • Demonstrated innovation in their area of specialization
    • Presented at conferences and/or have engaged in publications of their work
    • Contributed to international education as a volunteer leader, etc.
  5. Shows promise in making further contributions to the field of international education as a leader

Nomination Procedures
To be considered for the award the following nomination procedures must be followed:

  • Nominations will be submitted online, may come from a member of NAFSA or a nonmember
  • Self-nominations are not accepted
  • Current members of the NAFSA Board of Directors, Membership Committee, Awards Committee, and NAFSA staff are not eligible for consideration
  • All nominations must include details of the nominee's achievements based on the identified criteria which will be included in the online Google form
  • At least 2 people must nominate the individual by submitting their nomination using the Google form

2020 Recipient: Jie Fan

2021 Recipient: Sarayu Adeni, University of Texas

Lifetime Achievement Award

NAFSA's Region III Lifetime Achievement Award is awarded each year to NAFSAns in recognition of their career achievements in advancing the goals of NAFSA Region III and of international education and exchange. Individuals become eligible for nomination at the time of their retirement from professional responsibilities in the field of international education.

Criteria Used to Select Nominees
Nominees must meet the following criteria:

  • Retired in the year of nomination
  • Must be a NAFSA member (in the year of retirement)
  • Made significant contributions to international education at the regional level
  • Mentor to young professionals in international education
  • Positive influence on the lives or careers of participants or professionals in the field

Nomination Procedures
The primary nominator must be a NAFSA member. Nominations must present clear evidence of the nominee's achievements in the areas mentioned above. At least two people should nominate the individual and each individual should represent a different institution or organization within NAFSA Region III, each addressing a different perspective on the nominee's accomplishments. The nominations must all be from NAFSA members. Individuals may not self-nominate. The nomination process is confidential. Multiple Lifetime Achievement Awards may be offered each year, subject to recommendations by the Region III Chair-Stream.

2021 Recipient: Regina Henry, Oklahoma State University (retired)

Award for Special Service to International Education

NAFSA Region III gives the Award for Special Service to International Education annually to an individual who has contributed to the field of international educational exchange through long and outstanding years of service in the local, academic, and/or professional community or through innovative projects. In either case, their activities have stimulated, strengthened, and/or supported international education in the region. The recipients need not be NAFSA members.

Nomination Procedures
Anyone in the field of international education may nominate qualified award recipients. At least two people should submit a nomination of the individual and at least one of the nominators must be a member of NAFSA Region III.

2020 Recipient: Sue Marlay

Award for Outstanding Service to International Education

The Award for Outstanding Service to International Education recognizes those members of NAFSA in Region III who have demonstrated outstanding performance in the field of international education of a sustained and serious nature. The recipients have made an extraordinary contribution to the field. The projects and/or services cited in their nomination must be of national impact, reflecting credit on and raising the visibility of Region III outside the region.

Nomination Procedures
Anyone in the field of international education may nominate qualified award recipients. At least two people should nominate the individual and at least one of the nominators must be a member of NAFSA Region III.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in International Education Award

The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in International Education Award recognizes an international education professional in the region whose work promotes diversity, inclusive practices and creates and/or advances equitable systems at their institution or in the field of international education. Strong candidates for the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in International Education Award may include professionals who have focused their endeavors on (but not limited to):

  • Inclusive policies or procedures that enhance access for students and scholars (both domestic and international) from historically minoritized communities.
  • Contributions to the field through research and/or publication on diversity, equity and inclusion in international education.
  • Inclusive advising practices, outreach, initiatives, programming, or curriculum.
  • Unique partnerships that cultivate diversity, equity and inclusion in international education.
  • Advocacy for diversifying the field of international education, which may include recruitment and retention of professional staff/faculty from historically minoritized communities, efforts to build an inclusive work environment, or service within the international education community to promote inclusion.

2021 Recipient: Irene Scott, Texas A&M University

Glenn Freeman First-Timer Scholarship

In support of professional development with International Education, the Region provides a limited number of scholarships for first-time attendees. In memory of former Region III Chair, Glenn Freeman, the First-Timer Grants provide early-bird conference registration reimbursement and will be awarded to selected applicants from each state in the Region, as budget allows. Apply for this scholarship for the 2024 Region III Conference by Sunday, September 1, 2024.

Region III Travel Grant

Region III will offer travel grants in the form of complimentary registration and up to $300 in travel expenses. The deadline to apply for a Region III travel grant is Sunday, September 1, 2024.

State Awards

As international educators, you have the opportunity to submit nominations for an individual in the field of international education who has shown outstanding years of service to their state. The projects and/or services sited in their nomination must have state impact. Each state will award one award at their respective state meeting. Each award winner will receive recognition at the Region III Meeting.