John Gallagher
Bringing the human touch to recruitment, admissions, and beyond is the key to making sure international students succeed.
John Gallagher
How education abroad offices can limit the environmental impacts of study abroad programs on their host communities.
David Tobenkin
Despite obstacles, India has enormous potential to be a major player in international education.
David Tobenkin
India’s tertiary education sector faces a period of tremendous expansion as reform efforts aim to overcome challenges.
David Tobenkin
A handful of private institutions in India are shaking up the country’s higher education landscape.
Charlotte West
With a growing number of Indian students on U.S. campuses, there are several ways for international offices to better support this population.
Mark Toner
Rethinking recruiting and retention in the international office as the world reopens.
Karen Doss Bowman
How leaders can navigate the new normal—and the new budget cycle—on their campus.
Mark Toner
The return to in-person recruiting will not be the same. Here’s how some institutions are thinking through the dynamics.
John Gallagher
Whether the need is for more budgetary or staff resources (or both), these tips can help build a stronger case.