Take 5: Perspective Shift

In our monthly Take 5 column, International Educator poses a thought-provoking prompt to five members of the NAFSA community. These international educators, who represent a diverse range of voices and perspectives, respond with their insights, recommendations, and personal reflections on the myriad themes and questions that are facing the field.
What would you say has been the biggest shift in your perspective on international education since the beginning of your career?
"My entire perspective has opened and evolved each year. I continue to be in awe of how interconnected our field can be and how much behind-the-scenes work is done. Being on the NAFSA Region I team was one of the most impactful experiences of my career. Seeing and being part of an amazing team that demonstrated passion and dedication truly inspired me and continues to do so. I consistently see NAFSAns come together to support each other and help foster change on a daily basis." —Sarah Reed Aumont, Oregon State University
"More than 25 years ago, I entered my university as a wide-eyed teenager with big plans that never included leaving my home state of Texas, much less the country. Due to the generosity and encouragement of others, I would spend two months interning in Panama. This experience exposed me to international education as the ideal capstone experience for an academic career and meaningful development. The opportunity to enrich my undergraduate education with in-depth exposure to another culture in a professional setting led me to dedicate my career to international education