Peer-to-Peer Perspective
Event Date Event Time Registration Deadline Registration
November 30, 2023 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Registration Closed
P2P Q4 icon

In the fourth session of the IE Competencies 2.0 series, panelists will highlight the competencies of Compliance Management; Relationship Cultivation; and Risk Assessment & Crisis Management. Join this conversation with your peers and discuss topics including how to: ensure activities and practices align with policies, laws, and standards; nurture, build, and maintain alliances; and employ best practices to protect and minimize risk and respond intentionally to crises when they occur. In conversation, explore how these three competencies intersect in meaningful ways, and how the IE Competencies 2.0 can be used as a tool to promote professional development.

Peer-to-Peer Perspective events are a NAFSA member benefit. Nonmembers may attend for a fee.

Not a member? Learn more about the benefits and value of NAFSA membership.

Please contact the Volunteer Leadership Development Team with questions pertaining to this event.

Brooke Stokdyk

Brooke Stokdyk
Michigan State University
Brooke H.M. Stokdyk is currently an Assistant Director at Michigan State University. She is the J-1 Responsible Officer and an F-1 Designated School Official. She presents various sessions and workshops in the field of international student and scholar services at the state, regional, and national...

Todd Goen

Todd Lee Goen headshot
Virginia Military Institute
MDP Trainer
Todd Lee Goen is Director of Global Education and Senior International Officer at Virginia Military Institute (VMI) where his responsibilities include oversight of education abroad, international student and scholars support services, international grant/program management, and strategic planning...

Kevin Sullivan

Kevin Sullivan Headshot
Case Western Reserve University
D&I Subcommittee Member
Kevin Sullivan is the assistant director of education abroad at Case Western Reserve University, helping students find and plan study, research, internship, and co-op opportunities around the world. He is also a member of the NAFSA Rainbow SIG leadership team. Sullivan received his master's degree...

Reflections on the NAFSA IE Competencies

Throughout 2023, a new series of International Educator articles will explore the 12 International Education Professional Competencies 2.0. Each written by a NAFSA member, the articles cover how that competency is critical to the future of the field and what it looks like in practice. Links to the relevant articles will be provided below.

  • Compliance Management
  • Relationship Cultivation
  • Risk Assessment & Crisis Management


Hiring Manager Questions

Based on NAFSA’s International Education Professional Competencies 2.0, this set of sample behavioral interview questions is a helpful tool for supervisors when hiring employees in any area of international education. Based on the key competencies needed for the position, this tool is meant to be a starting place for strategic questions about an applicant’s experience with the ability to adapt questions as needed for your specific hiring context.

Access Today