Comprehensive Internationalization: From Concept to Action
This publication presents a thorough introduction to the emerging imperative of a broader scope and scale of internationalization. Beyond "campus internationalization," comprehensive internationalization can be the organizing paradigm for institutions as a whole, academic departments, or professional programs.
Written by John K. Hudzik, former vice president for global and strategic projects at Michigan State University and former president of NAFSA, this 40-page publication offers presidents, provosts, deans, and international education professionals in both student services and academic disciplines fodder for thoughtful consideration of the challenges and potential pathways toward comprehensive internationalization.
Also available able in a concise overview, this publication serves as the basis for the follow-up title Comprehensive and Strategic Internationalization: Lessons Learned and Prospects.

Comprehensive Internationalization: From Concept to Action
This publication presents a thorough introduction to the emerging imperative of a broader scope and scale of internationalization. Beyond "campus internationalization," comprehensive internationalization can be the organizing paradigm for institutions as a whole, academic departments, or professional programs.
Written by John K. Hudzik, former vice president for global and strategic projects at Michigan State University and former president of NAFSA, this 40-page publication offers presidents, provosts, deans, and international education professionals in both student services and academic disciplines fodder for thoughtful consideration of the challenges and potential pathways toward comprehensive internationalization.
Also available able in a concise overview, this publication serves as the basis for the follow-up title Comprehensive and Strategic Internationalization: Lessons Learned and Prospects.