Engage with Voices of an Interconnected World

NAFSA 2021 Workshop Spotlight: Jumpstart Your Career in IE

I don’t know about you, but after a turbulent and isolating year, I’m really looking forward to the virtual NAFSA 2021 Annual Conference & Expo! Now more than ever, I feel the need to gather with my global community to contribute to the work of “Designing Our Shared Future.” I can’t wait to meet
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Eight Reasons to Attend the Annual Conference

In planning for this year’s conference, the Annual Conference Committee (ACC) had fun coming up with creative ways for attendees to connect and learn together—and, importantly, keeping the elements we all know and love about the annual conference. There are many exciting things in store for those
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How You Can Influence NAFSA's Vision: Apply to Join the Board!

Have you ever thought about applying for the NAFSA Board of Directors or nominating somebody who you think is perfect for the position? Now is the perfect time to do so! There are several positions open until March 15 (the application deadline): Board Member-at-Large Vice President for Professional
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A New Day in Washington—and Why We Need to Step Up and Stay Engaged

It is indeed a new day in Washington! The Biden administration has been at work for just over a month, and we’ve already seen a flurry of appointments, executive orders, and other actions—including several related to immigration and travel abroad. If these first weeks are any indication, it will be
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An Undercurrent of Hope

In a year when uncertainty and fear are everywhere, self-reflection can feel like a burden and a blessing at the same time. We have all experienced so many changes to our “normal,” that it can be hard to put into words without sounding cliché. But I don’t think I am alone in sensing an undercurrent
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Dream Big with a Poster Fair Proposal

With a busy International Education Week behind us, I’m reflecting on the impact that international education has had on my life. My work in the field has provided me a chance to grapple with and explore the world. It has pushed me beyond the limits of what I understood about education
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