Engage with Voices of an Interconnected World

Planning Your Free Time in San Diego

Planning Your Free Time in San DiegoBy Bradley Moon Greetings international educators For those of you planning to come explore San Diego a little early, or to stick around the weekend after the conference, this blog post is for you
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Delicious Eats and Treats in San Diego

Delicious Eats and Treats in San DiegoBy Bradley Moon Attention NAFSA foodies San Diego has no shortage of Food Network Star, Top Chef and local Mom and Pop eateries prepared to satisfy the pallets of food aficionados from around the
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Four Places for Sun and Sand in San Diego

Four Places for Sun and Sand in San DiegoBy Bradley Moon Discovering the city of San Diego requires getting to know its vast array of distinct and colorful neighborhoods. From the charm of Coronado Island to the hipster enclave of
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Robert A. Pastor

Robert A. PastorMy friend and international education’s friend, Bob Pastor, died last night at the age of 67, finally succumbing to a cancer that he had battled with characteristic courage, humor, and unrelenting determination for nearly four years—all the while
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2014 The Year of Immigration Reform

2014 The Year of Immigration ReformOn November 9, 2012, three days after President Obama’s re election with the massive support of Hispanics and other immigrant communities, I posted on this blog an analysis of the meaning of the election and
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The ACC Goes to San Diego

The ACC Goes to San DiegoBy Joël Gallegos It's that time of year again – the time has come for the Annual Conference Committee (ACC) to select content for NAFSA's 2014 Annual Conference in San Diego, California. This weekend, the
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Showing Up Its What Matters

Showing Up It’s What MattersAugust recess. District work period. Town hall palooza. There are many names for this time in August when Congress leaves DC to go home for four weeks. But in the end it doesn’t matter what you
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