Engage with Voices of an Interconnected World

Plenary Connections Isabel Wilkerson

Plenary Connections – Isabel Wilkerson By Meredith McQuaidThe 2016 presidential election is upon us as I write this. It has been a time of division and rancor in the country strong words have been uttered and published – the pain from
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We Cannot be Bystanders We Must Vote

We Cannot be Bystanders We Must Vote By Fanta Aw On October 31 at 3 56 p.m., I reported to the designated voting center to cast my early vote. Given what is at stake during this election for both my
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Networking on the Go with NAFSA

Networking on the Go with NAFSABy Samantha Potempa and Jodi Simek Networking is one of the most impactful ways you can build your professional expertise and effectiveness. But networking can sometimes take a backseat to some of the more immediate
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PostConference Glow 16 FollowUp Tips and Tricks

Post Conference Glow 16 Follow Up Tips and TricksBy Lesley Robinson I have nine NAFSA Annual Conferences under my belt, and only now do I feel like I have my post conference routine down. For me, the NAFSA Annual Conference
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How to Dialogue with the Other

How to Dialogue with the “Other”Civil discourse and constructive dialogue seem to have vanished from our collective experience. As the political debates get uglier and become increasingly excruciating to even pay attention to, I thought it would be helpful to share
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Two Career Challenges That Dont Have to be Roadblocks

Two Career Challenges That Don’t Have to be RoadblocksBy Ellen H. Badger and Shawna Szabo Throughout your career, you will be faced with unavoidable realities that may disrupt your journey. Rather than having these realities affect you in a negative
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Unpacking Trumps Immigration Speech Lets Report the Facts

Unpacking Trump’s Immigration Speech Let’s Report the FactsThe United States must foster policies and practices that welcome international students to our institutions of higher education. Misstating the facts about immigrants in this country not only distorts the policy debate, but
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