Engage with Voices of an Interconnected World

I Owe it All to the Paperclip

I Owe it All to the Paperclip Does this situation sound familiar? You get to your desk one morning and notice an e-mail from your IT team. Sensing trouble, you cautiously open the e-mail and find that your software is about to be upgraded to a newer version. Your heart rate elevates and you groan
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It's a Mobile World in Houston

It's a Mobile World in Houston The 2012 NAFSA Annual Conference & Expo may seem a bit overwhelming at times with so many educational and networking offerings, and exhibitors in the Expo Hall. These concerns may be allayed through the use of several different kinds of technology available to
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Professional and Leadership Development in Houston

Professional and Leadership Development in Houston As content chair of the 2012 Annual Conference Committee (ACC), it was extremely important for me and ACC chair Pat Willer that the conference offer innovative opportunities for professional and leadership development . This includes learning how to
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Comprehensive Internationalization in Houston

Comprehensive Internationalization in Houston The 2012 NAFSA Annual Conference is loaded with content to help you lead and enable sustainable internationalization. The Annual Conference Committee took to heart the theme of “Comprehensive Internationalization: Vision to Practice.” The result is more
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Failure is Not the Other ‘F’ Word

Failure is Not the Other ‘F’ Word We train students to learn from failure abroad, while we ourselves are feeling afraid to fail at work. We coach students on how to spot a “teachable moment,” like misspeaking in another language, committing a social blunder, or missing the bus. We tell them how to
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Houston: The Lay of the Land

Houston: The Lay of the Land Live from Discovery Green, it's Adam Chen and Cory Owen . We want to personally welcome you to Houston for the 2012 NAFSA Annual Conference! While you’re not busy attending sessions, networking, or visiting the Expo Hall, be sure to spend some time exploring Houston
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Day Trips Outside of Boston

Day Trips Outside of Boston One of the best perks of visiting the Boston area is its vicinity to other fun, historic locations and terrains, including scenic beaches and mountains. This week's blog post is geared toward those who are interested in further exploring New England and planning to extend
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The Role of the NAFSA Membership Committee

The Role of the NAFSA Membership Committee My name is Leah Newell. 2015 begins the second year of my serving as chair of the NAFSA Membership Committee. Wait! Don’t leave! I know you are busy and probably have NO interest in the exciting topic of “The Role of the Membership Committee.” However, give
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