Engage with Voices of an Interconnected World

PSLs, Hayrides, and Career Development

As manager of NAFSA's Career Center and @NAFSAJobs, November is about much more than pumpkin spice lattes (PSLs), fall foliage, and Black Friday deals. November is National Career Development Month, an opportunity for career development organizations to highlight all of the great career-focused
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Right To Vote: A Privilege That I Don’t Take For Granted

Right To Vote: A Privilege That I Don’t Take For Granted I appreciated my Chinese heritage. I was born and raised in Hong Kong, a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, also known as one of the four Asian Tigers, or Little Dragons. Hong Kong is the world's 7th largest
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International Education is Not a Partisan Issue - and Congress Agrees

NAFSA’s Deputy Executive Director for Public Policy Jill Welch testified before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Border Security and Immigration yesterday. The hearing, “Student Visa Integrity: Protecting Educational Opportunity and National Security,” was chaired by Senator John Cornyn (R-TX)
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Last Minute Tips for NAFSA 2018

It is hard to believe that NAFSA 2018 is just around the corner, and it’s almost time to check in for your big trip to Philly! Here are some last-minute tips to help you prepare for the event, as well as for your stay in the City of Brotherly Love.
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Happy Hour and Fun Things To Do

With only a few more weeks until NAFSA 2018, many of us are finalizing schedules, setting up meeting arrangements and booking reservations. While your conference planning is underway, don’t forget to save some time to explore Philadelphia with colleagues old and new. No need to dive into a guide
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Plenary Connections: Joyce Banda

I am thrilled that Joyce Banda, former president of the Republic of Malawi, will serve as one of this year’s plenary speakers at the NAFSA 2018 Annual Conference & Expo. Banda’s commitment to issues related to women and girls is crucial right now.
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NAFSA 2018: Philadelphia Neighborhoods and Universities

NAFSA 2018: Philadelphia Neighborhoods and Universities It is time for some Philadelphia geography! To keep up with the locals, it is essential you become familiar with the basic layout of this city and some of its eclectic and diverse neighborhoods. Philadelphia is laid out almost entirely on a
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