Visa and Immigration Reform

Create a fair immigration process and enact visa reforms to welcome international students and scholars and immigrants.

Rebuilding and Restoring International Education Leadership

The Biden-Harris administration takes over at an unprecedented moment in U.S. history when rebuilding and restoring U.S. global leadership and economic strength is critical. This will require reaffirming a dedication to international education. NAFSA stands ready to work with the Biden-Harris administration to advance key policy priorities that will enable the U.S. to "build back better."

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Impact of COVID-19

NAFSA urges Congress to provide critical financial resources, oversight, and policy changes in order to revive and restore international student enrollment and study abroad programs at U.S. colleges and universities impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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The Dream Act

NAFSA supports the Dream Act and urges Members of Congress to call for a vote on a permanent legislative solution for Dreamers. A permanent legislative solution is the best way to ensure Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients are protected.

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Welcome to Succeed

The United States must ensure international students, scholars, and their families are welcome. They create jobs, drive innovation, enrich our classrooms, strengthen our national security, and become America's greatest foreign policy assets.

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International Student Economic Value Tool

Discover how international students studying at U.S. colleges and universities contribute to our economy.

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Losing Talent

International students create jobs, drive research, and enrich our classrooms, yet new international student enrollment is down dramatically in the U.S.

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International Students Contribute to Our Economy and Innovation

Learn how international students contribute to our economy and American innovation.

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U.S. at Risk of Losing the Benefits of Talented International Students

Explore how the U.S. is losing our market share of international students and scholars.

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