Regulatory Information

Exchange Visitors and Exchange Visitor Programs

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Sub-topic>Exchange Visitors and Exchange Visitor Programs

Fees, Forms, Filing Procedures

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Sub-topic>Fees, Forms, Filing Procedures

Institutional Obligations and Compliance

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Sub-topic>Institutional Obligations and Compliance

International Faculty, Staff, Researchers

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Sub-topic>International Faculty, Staff, Researchers

International Students and Schools

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Sub-topic>International Students and Schools

U.S. Immigration Systems, Data, Status, and Concepts

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Sub-topic>U.S. Immigration Systems, Data, Status, and Concepts

Visas, Travel, Entry

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Sub-topic>Visas, Travel, Entry
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Topic>Regulatory Information

Presidential Proclamation 9945

Update: President Biden revoked former President Trump's Proclamation 9945 on May 14, 2021. See Proclamation 10209 of May 14, 2021: A Proclamation on Revoking Proclamation 9945. This discussion of the subsequently revoked Proclamation 9945 is maintained for research purposes. Under Presidential
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20 CFR Part 656 Labor Certification Process for Permanent Employment of Aliens in the United States This resource is a reference aid developed by the NAFSA Adviser's Manual 360 team. This is not an official edition of the Code of Federal Regulations. For information on the official edition of the
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22 CFR Part 41 Subparts J, K, L (22 CFR 41.101 - 22 CFR 41.122) This resource is a reference aid developed by the NAFSA Adviser's Manual 360 team. This is not an official edition of the Code of Federal Regulations. For information on the official edition of the Code of Federal Regulations published
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20 CFR Part 655, Subpart H Labor Condition Applications and Requirements for Employers Seeking To Employ Nonimmigrants on H-1b Visas in Specialty Occupations and as Fashion Models, and Requirements for Employers Seeking To Employ Nonimmigrants on H-1b1 and E-3 Visas in Specialty Occupations This
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Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019

Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019 (2020) Update: On December 2, 2020, the U.S. Senate passed an amended version of H.R. 1044 by unanimous consent, a procedural motion that does not allow for further amendments to the bill. The title of the amended bill is Fairness for High-Skilled
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NAFSA Education Abroad Regulatory Summit

The applicability of federal regulations to education abroad as a professional area of practice is increasingly complex. Amid all the details and challenges of sending students abroad, it can be easy to overlook the impact of federal regulations on the everyday work of managing programs. Regulations
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22 CFR 41.63 INA 212(e) two-year home-country physical presence requirement This resource is a reference aid developed by the NAFSA Adviser's Manual 360 team. This is not an official edition of the Code of Federal Regulations. For information on the official edition of the Code of Federal
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