Region XI Virtual Conference Events
Region XI Expansion Pack Series Kick-Off Event
Event Sponsor: EdOdyssey
Date & Time: August 5, 2021 at 4pm
Description: Learn about the Region XI conference season, upcoming events and stay for a new, fun networking event with your fellow New Englanders!
New England States Trivia
Date & Time: August 19, 2021 at 12pm
Description: Join Region XI for our first social of the season! Bring your lunch and challenge your friends (or enemies!) on their knowledge of Region XI!
Lessons from the Pandemic: Implications of Virtual Education Abroad (EA Session)
Date & Time: August 25, 2021 at 5pm
Description: As the COVID-19 pandemic reached the U.S. and mobility was no longer possible, many education abroad (EA) offices and organizations rapidly created virtual offerings to keep students engaged in international learning. In this session, data will be shared from a research study that included 60 qualitative surveys and 23 semi-structured interviews with educators on their experiences creating, facilitating, and administering EA programs in the virtual space during the pandemic. These results will be contextualized in practical implications first with a presentation by an EA professional on her own experiences creating virtual programming, followed by breakout room sessions where participants can apply these insights back to their own EA practice.
- Susanne Feld; Master’s Candidate International Higher Education, Lesley University
- Annie Harold; Partnerships Manager, Envoys
Watch the recording: Lessons from the Pandemic: Educator Recommendations for Virtual Study Abroad - YouTube
Working Towards a Decolonized Study Abroad Process (EA Session)
Session Sponsor: BU Study Abroad
Date & Time: August 31, 2021 at 4pm
Description: Despite our best intentions, how do our current practices marginalize those we most seek to support? In this session, we will explore how certain facets of our processes, from essay questions, GPA minimums or other requirements and paths to study abroad create barriers to all students being able to access it.
- Alissa Kramer, Director of Study Abroad and Away Programs, Clark University
- Dr. Amanda Weber, FACE Race Consulting LLC
Watch the Recording: Working Towards a Decolonized Study Abroad Process - YouTube
Back to School Rose, Bud and Thorn
Date & Time: September 9, 2021 at 4pm
Description: Share your highlights, lowlights and your looking ahead with colleagues during the crazy weeks of back to school.
Nonresident Tax; The Survival Guide (ISSS Session)
Date & Time: September 14, 2021 at 2pm
Description: The session is designed to give practical advice, address fears/concerns the audience may have about tax preparation, leaving the audience confident with the overview of student/scholar filing obligations. Resources will be provided as well as planning what support level your school can provide.
Topics include: Who is a tax nonresident, Filing requirements, Forms and what to do with them, Implications of non/mis-filing, Nonresidents overseas, Impact of stimulus checks on NRAs, Tax scams, Case study from ASU, ISSO resources, ISSO liability issues, Profile of students who currently file taxes
- Colleen F. Callahan-Panday, Director, Office of International Student Life, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Neil Duffy, Associate Vice President, Sprintax
- Enda Kelleher, Vice President, Sprintax
- Elvera King, Sprintax
Watch the recording: Nonresident Tax; The Survival Guide - YouTube
ISS KC Open Meeting/Networking Event
Event Sponsor: International Office Consulting, Inc.
Date & Time: September 16, 2021 at 4pm
Description: Join the Region XI ISSS Knowledge Community for an open meeting and networking event. Drop in to bring your questions, concerns, comments or complaints to your fellow ISSSers in New England. Don't forget to get your drink, your snack and your fancy networking zoom hat!
Host: Ozan Say, ISSS Knowledge Community Rep
Public Service Loan Forgiveness: The Basics (SI Session)
Date & Time: September 20, 2021 at 2pm
Description: The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program is a valuable tool to gain loan forgiveness but the challenges associated with it can be numerous. Misinformation and misapplication of the program abound but that doesn't mean it won't succeed for you. We’ll go over the basics of PSLF, resources that can provide help, and the current activism surrounding the future of the program. Attend this session to learn how to advocate for yourself in this much maligned U.S. Government program and get those student loans forgiven!
- Meaghan Murphy-Rennie, Assistant Director for Education Abroad, University of Hartford
- Katie Ahlman, International Student & Scholar Advisor, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Watch the recording: Public Service Loan Forgiveness: The Basics - YouTube
Dear CPT: It's not me, it's you (ISSS Session)
Event Sponsor: Global Education Partners
Date & Time: September 21, 2021 at 2pm
Description: CPT is often considered the most flexible (and most irritating) regulation within the F-1 student arena. It provides lots of possibilities with very little direction requiring institutions to decide what works for them. We'll discuss basic requirements of CPT, policies, and review cases studies from 3 different institutions. A co-op or credited internship (or both!)? Working abroad but in the U.S.? Abroad but interning with a U.S. company? Learn how 3 different institutions handle these questions and the best stakeholders to engage so you can make up before you break up with CPT.
- Maggie Shirland, International Student Adviser, Massachusetts College of Art and Design
- Katie Ahlman, International Student & Scholar Advisor, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Mirabelle Tseng, Assistant Director, Office of International Student Life, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Watch the recording: Dear CPT: It's not me, it's you - YouTube
Evaluating Students' intercultural learning outcomes overseas: a Japanese case (TLS Session)
Date & Time: September 22, 2021 at 9am
Description: This presentation focuses on sharing evidence of undergraduate students’ intercultural competence development through study abroad. First, the presenters share university profiles and department objectives. Second, the presentation explains intercultural competence concepts, instrument selections, and then evaluation design. Third, the speakers present findings from this case study with recommendations for other institutions and international education practitioners.
- Makoto Kobori, Associate Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University
- Hiroyoshi Hiratsuka, Connaught Scholar & Doctoral Candidate, University of Toronto
- Sayaka Hashimoto, Assistant Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University
Watch the recording: Evaluating Students' intercultural learning outcomes overseas: a Japanese case - YouTube
Bending Without Breaking (SI session)
Event Sponsor: SIT: School for International Training
Date & Time: September 22, 2021 at 4pm
Description: The global rise of virtual learning has redefined study abroad and international education. Study abroad programs are shifting to virtual modalities or allowing students to study abroad in their home countries, leading to more deliberate conversations with Registrar professionals. In this session, colleagues from Northeastern University will share their responses to this new global environment, discuss examples of non-traditional programs, and explore student testimonies from semesters abroad and at home.
- Samuel Hickson, Academic Coordinator, Northeastern University
- Christine Muller, Assistant Registrar, Northeastern University
Watch the recording: Bending Without Breaking - YouTube
Year of the Pivot: Piloting Your Career Journey (SI session)
Date & Time: September 28, 2021 at 2:30-4pm
Description: Has the pandemic made you reassess and consider a career transition? Are you being asked to add new job duties/take on more work? Join us to hear different experiences on transferrable skills, leveraging your resources, innovating your current position, transitioning in or out of higher Education, and more. All presenters come from a variety of professional backgrounds to help you pilot your career into a new direction. You might have a plan but can you PIVVOOOTT?!
- Katie Ahlman, International Student & Scholar Advisor, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Zachary Macinnes, Assistant Director Of Corporate Partner Relations, Center For Career Development, University of Connecticut
- Meaghan Murphy-Rennie, Assistant Director for Education Abroad, University of Hartford
- Christy Fry, Assistant Director of International Student and Scholar Services, Middlebury College
- Rachael Lamson, Associate Director of International Admissions, Western New England University
- Peter McGovern, President and Co-founder, Ed Odyssey
Watch the Recording: https://youtu.be/wJmYeNY8px0
Region XI Happy Hour
Date & Time: September 28, 2021 at 4pm
Description: Bring your favorite regional beverage! Are you a craft beer fanatic? Does your town produce an ultra unique wine, mead, cider or malt? Will someone bring coffee milk? Will we all show up with dunks?
BYOB - coffee, tea, beer, wine, glogg, prune juice - and join your colleagues and friends for informal conversation, and a chance to enter the Region XI raffle pool! Wear your most fun outfit and bring any pets, friends.
Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpc-CgrTooH93qvwrxVhiqLhas-5dPk4d7
Dissecting Healthcare Institutions & U.S. Immigration (ISSS Session)
Event Sponsor: English3
Date & Time: September 29, 2021 at 2pm
Description: The demand and need for highly skilled foreign-born medical professionals, has become apparent due to the pandemic, aging U.S. population, and ongoing physician shortage. Within the immigration community, visas for healthcare workers are a niche subspecialty. This panel will explore common visa options and regulatory requirements in the healthcare setting (i.e., healthcare worker certificate, licensure, ECFMG certification); discuss the role and importance of clinical affiliation agreements; and panelists will explore the various stakeholders and relationships that exist in the healthcare setting. Session speakers represent international service units based in hospitals, ECFMG Training Program Liaisons, as well as international offices in higher education institutions that have affiliations with teaching hospitals and clinics.
- Anthony Pawelski, Senior Advisor, Mass General Brigham
- Andrew Shiotani, Director, Tufts International Center
- Mihwa Le
- Kate Carroll
Watch the Recording: https://youtu.be/ZGaGjnjNdhE
Region XI Awards Ceremony
Event Sponsor: API Abroad
Date & Time: October 28, 2021 at 5pm
Description: TBA
Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkd-mgqzIuHtS7-sW_kdyry_qCQ95ovLJp