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By Dana Wilkie
Canadian researchers collaborate with scholars outside their borders at more than twice the world average. Collaborating with U.S. institutions and researchers, often seamless due to a common language and having similar higher education practices, is on the rise.
To Charge or Not to Charge? That Is Tuition
By Charlotte West
In the Nordic countries, some international students may be thinking, “Alas, free education, we knew it well.”
Departments and Columns
From the Editors
Realizing the American Dream
By Elaina Loveland
Front Lines
All-in-One Comprehensive Immigration Reform
By Stuart Anderson
In Brief
- Canadian University Entices U.S. Students with Reduced Fee
- Small Gains in International Graduate Applications to U.S. Schools Cause Concern
- New “Study in Spain” Online Portal Aims to Recruit More International Students
- Turkey's Students On the Move
- Long-Delayed Welcome at Kabul University for International Students
- NAFSA Website Wins Two Design Awards
- Journal Explores Academic Disciplines and Internationalization of the Curriculum
- Ideals and Impact: Reaching New Heights at NAFSA’s 65th Annual Conference
- Opening Doors to India
- 45,000 U.S. Students Pursue Degrees Abroad
- Japan Education Ranks High Among Asian Nations
- Scholarship Established to Encourage Study in China
- Book Review: Reflections on the Past, Present, and Future of Internationalizing Higher Education: Discovering Opportunities to Meet the Challenges
From Undocumented Immigrant to Brain Surgeon
An interview with Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, MD
By Elaina Loveland
Education Abroad
Should They Go? Academic and Disciplinary Considerations for Education Abroad
By Janet Hulstrand
Spanning the Globe
By Karen Leggett
A Utilitarian View of Rankings
By Alan Ruby
In Focus
Education Prevails
By Spencer Lighsy