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Event Date Event Time Registration Deadline Registration
December 3 - 5, 2025 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Register Today

Offering faculty-led education abroad programming provides a winning result for the institution and its students. This workshop is relevant for those seeking to add programming along with learning best practices to improve your current education abroad portfolio. Gain foundational information that will help you implement successful and intentional programs. Learn how to create more program options while collaborating in a structured manner with faculty in the global learning agenda for your campus.

Workshop Objectives

  • Facilitate partnership and communication among stakeholders when planning, delivering, and evaluating faculty-led short-term education abroad programming.
  • Define critical roles and processes for faculty-led programs reflecting your institution’s unique make up and requirements.
  • Employ strategies improving program development and implementation.

Workshop Agenda

  • Institutional Culture
  • The Proposal Process
  • Program Mapping
  • Program Promotion and Admissions
  • Overseas Preparation and Support
  • Program Completion

What Participants Are Saying

  • "This workshop was extremely helpful! I am grateful for the connections we made, best practices we shared, and just knowing that other professionals experience the same kinds of challenges that we face at our university." - Annual Conference Participant
  • "It is comforting to know that we are not the only institution struggling in the management of faculty-led programs. The workshop provided the platform to discuss shortcomings at my institution and seek resources from participants to help improve what we are lacking." - Annual Conference workshop participant
  • "At the beginning of the workshop I had no knowledge of how to go about setting these programs up. I left with the framework of out to set them out." - Annual Conference workshop participant
  • "All the information was easy to comprehend and the tools to implement on my campus were great." - Regional Conference workshop participant
  • "The workshop allowed me to see how to develop a program from the relevant office and/or staff's perspective; it raised questions and issues I hadn't necessarily considered." - Regional Conference workshop participant


This workshop is designed for education abroad (EA) administrators and advisers, EA directors and managers, and faculty who lead or develop programs.