SEVIS Release 6.2 went into production on February 27, 2010. No changes to SEVIS Batch were included in Release 6.2, so no updates to the batch schema were required. SEVP summarized the system changes as follows:

SEVIS Real Time Interactive F/M School Users

Private School Owner Name
The Private School Owner Name field, which is for both first name and family name, has been lengthened from 60 to 150 characters.

Transfer of Completed or Terminated Records
The system has been corrected to ensure all student records that are in Terminated or Completed status on the Transfer Release Date will remain in that status at the Transfer-In school.
PDSO/DSO Users Who Have Not Logged Into SEVIS in 75 Days Alert
School officials who have been deleted from a campus but remain active at another campus or program and have not logged into SEVIS in 75 days, will no longer appear on the alert for users who have not logged in for 75 days for the campus from which the user was deleted.

Inactive User Email
After a PDSO or DSO has not logged into SEVIS in 75 days, the system will send an email to all assigned users at the school/campus to which the user is associated. The email will provide the name of the user whose status will be changed to Inactive in 15 days.

SEVIS Real Time Interactive J Program Sponsor Users

Exchange Visitor Program Office Name Change
The Department of State Office of Exchange Coordination and Designation is now known as Private Sector Exchange. This name change is reflected in SEVIS screens and emails, as well as the Forms DS3036 and DS-3037.

Exchange Visitor(s) 30 Days Before Academic Training End Date Alert
The alert RO/AROs receive when college/university student exchange visitors (EVs) are within 30 days of their Academic Training End Date has been corrected to list only EVs whose status is Active.

Amend Program Requests
When amending an EV's program, the program begin date will be constrained to be equal to or greater than the current date. Also, the program end date will be constrained to be greater than the program begin date, and meet the maximum and minimum duration of participation rules.

Shorten Program Durations
If an EV's program duration is less than 30 days and his/her program participation has not been validated, the EV's status changes to No Show or Invalid. If the EV's status changes to Invalid, the program's allotment of DS-2019 Forms increases by one.

Dependent Termination
The status of an exchange visitor dependent will terminate on the effective date of termination entered by the RO/ARO as opposed to when the request is submitted, even if the effective date of termination is in the future.

Inactive User Email
After an RO or ARO has not logged into SEVIS in 75 days, the system will send an email to all assigned users at the program with which the user is associated. The email provides the name of the user whose status will be changed to Inactive in 15 days.

RO/ARO Users Who Have Not Logged Into SEVIS in 75 Days Alert
This alert was removed with SEVIS Release 6.1.1. The functionality has been reinstated with this release. The alert includes the names of all RO/ARO users assigned to their program whose status will be changed to Inactive in 15 days. The users will be displayed on the alert after 75 days of inactivity.