Miranda Panzer
International Student & Scholar Advisor, PDSO/RO
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Wisconsin State Representative, Region V
Miranda is the International Student & Scholar Advisor, PDSO/RO, at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Wisconsin. She has a M.S.Ed., Student Affairs Administration in Higher Education from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse 2012 and a B.A., German Studies, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse in 2010. During her undergraduate career, she had the opportunity to study abroad at Goethe Universität Frankfurt Am Main, Frankfurt, Germany 2008 - 2009. After serving as serving as the treasurer for several years, Miranda is the current Chair-Elect for the Wisconsin Association of International Educators (WAIE). Favorite quote - "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you'll land amongst the stars" - Les Brown