Mihaela Metianu, EdD
Mihaela Metianu, EdD, currently serves as the assistant provost for global engagement at Florida Atlantic University. She joined FAU in 2006. As the senior international officer at her institution, she is responsible facilitating and coordinating the global strategic platform and for leading a wide portfolio of international services and programs, including international student services, international employee and scholar services, education abroad, global academic services, and the intensive English institute. She works closely with the academic affairs, student affairs, and enrollment management to implement and execute the University’s international enrollment management strategy and serves as the operational liaison to Navitas Pathway Program (Global Student Success Program).
Mihaela holds a doctoral degree in higher education and a master’s degree in multilingual and multicultural education from Florida State University. She has more than 20 years of experience in international higher education and is a long-time NAFSA member and active member leader.