Jorge Burgos-Muñoz
Jorge Burgos-Muñoz has spent more than 14 years in the field of management in Higher Education, both in universities and in government administration, in the area of student services, project management, community outreach and international relations. By profession an Electronic Civil Engineer and possessing a Master's in Management and Public Policies, he currently works as General Director of Community Engagement and is the Senior International Officer at the Universidad Católica del Maule in Chile. At the Universidad Católica del Maule, he has been able to lead different internationalization strategies, such as the implementation of COIL programs, virtual exchange, and global collaboration projects, where he focus on connecting the work with the community and local stakeholders with global realities bridging with higher education institutions globally. In addition, he is the director of LearnChile, representing 26 higher education institutions in Chile, contributing to consolidating the internationalization process of the higher education system in Chile and connected with Latin American networks through INILAT.