Joann Ng Hartmann, MS
Joann Ng Hartmann, MS, is the senior director for international enrollment management-international student and scholar services and volunteer engagement at NAFSA: Association of International Educators. In her capacity, Joann provides strategic leadership, development, and implementation of professional development opportunities, publications, and programs for IEM-ISSS. In addition, she has oversight for maintaining effective regulatory practice relationships with federal agencies that regulate mobility and enrollment of international students and scholars.
Joann has over 25 years of experience in international education. Prior to NAFSA, Joann was at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville directing and managing the student and scholar services unit, including institutional compliance, orientation, student/scholar advising services, and programming as well as providing international recruitment strategy and support. Joann was an active volunteer leader for NAFSA serving in various regional and national capacities. She has written training curriculum, presented workshops and sessions at many national and international conferences. She holds an MS in communication from the University of Louisiana, Lafayette.