Jean Griswold
Jean Griswold was presented with NAFSA's 2008 Hugh M. Jenkins Award for her enthusiastic dedication to serving the needs of international students and for her sustained leadership of community programming at the local, regional, and national levels.
Jean was director of the Office of International Student Services at Colorado State University in Ft. Collins until her retirement in 1995. At CSU she developed many outreach programs, including a Foreign Speakers Bureau, foreign language camps using internationals as native speakers, cross-cultural workshops for U.S. and international students, and day-long orientations for new students away from campus.
Jean was the COMSEC representative on the Region II Team in the mid-70s. She served many years on NAFSA's COMSEC (Community Programming) Team, where she became chair and served on NAFSA's Board of Directors. She also became a NAFSA Community Development Consultant and a member of NAFSA's COOP Committee. In 2001, Jean wrote a comprehensive history of COMSEC, published for the section's 40th anniversary. Over the years, Jean presented many sessions on community issues, student programming, and intercultural training of staff and volunteers. She has been a mentor to many others in community programming, ready with supportive help, an encouraging word, and ideas to take home and use.
Each year Jean brought international students by van to the annual conference, providing them with tools for leadership. To provide opportunities for students who couldn't go to NAFSA conferences, Jean initiated International Student Leadership Conferences in her region. Volunteers and international office staff members involved in community programs were also brought together in weekend-long Area Workshops.
For 30 years, the Griswolds have hosted a Sunday waffle breakfast for community friends, international students, and faculty. The waffle breakfasts continue in their home even when they are traveling. The Griswolds also have a loan closet in their garage to provide housekeeping items for international students.
Jean's love of internationals has continued in her retirement through volunteer work in CSU International Center programs. Each year a student at Colorado State University receives the William J. and Jean S. Griswold Scholarship, for his or her contribution to the school's international community.
NAFSA honored Jean with Life Membership in 1996, in appreciation for her service to the association and long-term commitment to international educational exchange. KC ISSS is pleased to present Jean with NAFSA's 2008 Hugh M. Jenkins Award for her dedicated service to the field of Campus and Community Programming.