Heidi Gregori-Gahan
Heidi Gregori-Gahan has been active in the field of international education for more than 40 years. She will retire in June 2020 as Associate Provost for International Programs at the University of Southern Indiana.
At USI, she oversees a comprehensive unit responsible for international recruitment and retention, the Intensive English program, the development and implementation of study abroad programs, and campus-wide programming. She has held regional and national positions with NAFSA, including Vice President for Professional Development, Chair of the Leadership Development Committee, and Region VI Chair. She currently serves as past chair of the Board of the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP), a network of 300 universities in 50 countries. Heidi has presented regionally, nationally and overseas at events hosted by NAFSA, ISEP, EducationUSA, and she has received numerous grants to fund international projects that have enhanced both the campus and the community.
Heidi has always believed in the transformational power of international education and its role in creating a more peaceful world. She is grateful for the professional nourishment she gained through her service to the NAFSA network, and she feels privileged to have worked with so many outstanding students and colleagues over the course of her career.
Life Membership Awardee
In recognition of her career achievements in advancing the goals of the Association and of international education and exchange, Heidi was the recipient of a 2020 NAFSA Life Membership Award.