Gigie and Larry Price
Gigie and Larry Price have been leaders of San Diego State University's International Student/Tutor Mentor Program for nine years. They expanded the program, originally created to assist students with development of English skills, to include mentoring. Under their leadership, the number of community members involved in the program has tripled, and the program now includes social and cultural activities. Before students are accepted into the program, Gigie personally interviews them to determine if they understand the goals and missions of the program. They personally meet with every prospective volunteer, to determine if he or she is suitable for the program. Once accepted, the volunteers are required to attend an orientation program that provides training on mentoring, tutoring best practices and English language materials, before they are assigned a student. Gigie and Larry then match students with tutors/mentors who best match their majors, areas of interest and their goals in English. The tutors/mentors are recognized for their contributions biannually at an elaborate potluck dinner involving more than 200 tutor/mentors and their students.
The Prices have also developed a comprehensive Web site, hosted through SDSU's International Student Center, with up-to-date information on program activities.
In nominating the Prices for the 2010 Hugh M. Jenkins Award, the director of the International Student Center wrote, “The Prices are the volunteers every international center dreams of having in their programs. Committed, hardworking, dedicated, selfless, positive, forward thinking and globally minded are just a few words to describe the Prices.”