Adria Baker, EdD
Dr. Adria L. Baker worked 40 years in international education. She retired from Rice University after 27 years, as associate vice provost for international education, and led Brasil@Rice for a decade. She taught in Mexico City, was a graduate fellow at the University of Costa Rica, and worked at the University of Houston for 12 years, receiving a doctorate in international sociolinguistic competence.
Adria had multiple NAFSA leadership roles, presented on many topics and received service recognitions. She led teams at Rice to win multiple global education awards including a NAFSA Simon Spotlight, 100,000 Strong, two IIE Heiskells, and others. Advocating for balanced laws supporting international education exchange was a passion. As Texas State Whip, she led a team resulting in two Texas State legislature resolutions supporting international education in Texas. She helped NAFSA Region III start an advocacy committee, which created travel scholarships to Advocacy Day, and still elevates young professionals in the field. Other states and regions followed suit. She received two Fulbright awards (France 2021, and South Korea 2013), and is a Fulbright Scholar Alumni Ambassador, She currently serves on the Advisory Board for Brazil-Texas Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Directors for Educational Credential Evaluators