NAFSA Peer-to-Peer Perspectives

NAFSA Peer-to-Peer Perspectives events are virtual roundtable discussions that are offered year-round with colleagues on timely topics. Share best practices, offer suggestions, and engage in discussions with your peers. 

NAFSA Peer-to-Peer Perspectives are a NAFSA member benefit. Nonmembers may attend for a fee.

Not a member? Learn more about the benefits and value of NAFSA membership.

Study Abroad Visas: Summer Refresh Series

Just in time for the start of the academic year, join a series of discussions led by NAFSA's Consular Affairs Liaison volunteer leaders. From mid-July to mid-August, participate in weekly discussions to refresh your knowledge and approach for study abroad visa advising.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Update your understanding of study abroad visa regulations and processes, equipping yourself to support students on their educational journeys abroad.
  2. Develop expertise in visa advising with an eye for establishing guidelines and addressing inquiries with professionalism and accuracy.
  3. Familiarize yourself with NAFSA's education abroad visa resources to provide valuable assistance to students students navigating the visa application process.
  4. Develop your compliance management competency as you apply practices that ensure alignment and agreement with policies and law. 
Register Now

Decoding Budget Models: A Key to International Recruitment Success

March 19, 2024

Amplify your international recruitment strategies by aligning them with institutional goals and distinct budget models. This live discussion introduced enrollment managers of all levels to various budgeting models, emphasizing the evaluation of ROI in recruitment activities and navigating the nuances of different budget frameworks for effective planning and execution. Participants learned about the essential skills needed to align resources with institutional goals, measure impact, and secure support. Maximize efficiency and elevate your institution's global standing through smarter budgetary engagement.

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Navigating Advocacy in Education Abroad: Strategies for Effective Requests and Sustained Motivation

March 18, 2024

What approach works best? What data should you collect? Who are your champions? In this peer-to-peer conversation, listen in as EA leaders tackle the essential questions that arise when advocating for yourself and your education abroad team. Expert education abroad panelists delved into the intricacies of determining what to ask for and how to approach it, providing insights on readdressing requests over time and bolstering morale for continued advocacy efforts. Whether your requests advocate for more staff, additional departmental funding, or strategic leverage and your voice on a committee, this online conversation is for you.

Watch the Recording

View recordings and resources from past events.

International Enrollment Management