2024 Annual Conference & Expo

Thank you for joining us in New Orleans, Louisiana for the NAFSA 2024 Annual Conference & Expo held May 28–31. Your participation made this year our most diverse, comprehensive, and exciting international education conference and exposition yet.

The 2024 Annual Conference Committee is looking for session and workshop reviewers from across all knowledge communities and professional backgrounds. NAFSA is hoping to increase the diversity of our reviewer pool, including adding more international reviewers.

More than 400 peer reviewers evaluate NAFSA’s conference programming every year. Your feedback on proposals is indispensable in determining the final content selections for the annual conference.

Sign up no later than July 31, 2023.

This page will be updated with more resources as we get closer to the review period.

When is this year's review period?
What does the review process look like?
Do I need to be a member of NAFSA?
Is attendance at the conference mandatory if I review?
How do I review?