Committee: Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship Knowledge Community (TLS KC)
Position: Network Leader, Research and Scholarship Connections
Term Dates: January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2026

The Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship Knowledge Community (TLS KC) focuses on curriculum internationalization, research that informs practice, and intercultural communication and serves faculty, administrators, graduate students/post-docs, researchers, intercultural trainers, cross-cultural counselors, and other professionals in international education. The Research and Scholarship Connections (RSC) Network Leader is a member of the TLS KC leadership team, chairs the Research and Scholarship (RS) Subcommittee, serves as a liaison to the editor of the Global Studies Literature Review, and provides oversight of the RSC network.

Last Updated: July 2024

NAFSA is not currently accepting applications for this position. Visit NAFSA Volunteer Leadership to learn about available opportunities.

Major Functions and Responsibilities
Sample Projects
Benefits and Appreciation