Committee: Board of Directors
Position: President and Chair of the Board of Directors
Term Dates: Two Years

The president of the association and chair of the Board of Directors is nominated from the Board of Directors and elected by the membership and serves a two-year term.

In partnership with the Executive Director and CEO (CEO), the president manages and oversees the Board of Directors. As outlined in the bylaws, “The affairs of NAFSA shall be managed by the Board of Directors, whose duties include, but are not limited to, exercising leadership in the affairs of NAFSA; developing its policies, priorities, and positions; and providing direction for the development and stewardship of its resources through a strategic plan.” As the chair of the Board of Directors, the president leads the board in fulfilling these duties.

The president has significant responsibilities in representing the association, communicating with the membership, and ensuring that strong volunteer and staff leaders are in place to execute the association’s plans. In addition, the president maintains an effective and productive relationship with NAFSA’s CEO.

Applications for this position have closed for 2024. Applications will open again in Spring 2025.

Major Functions and Responsibilities
Meeting Attendance and Expectations
Volunteer Commitment
Sample Calendar of Activities