Committee: Board of Directors 
Position: Member at Large
Term Dates: Three Years


In the bylaws, NAFSA’s Board of Directors is charged with the following responsibility:

“The affairs of NAFSA shall be governed by the Board of Directors, whose duties include, but are not limited to, exercising leadership in the affairs of NAFSA; developing its policies, priorities, and positions; and providing direction for the development and stewardship of its resources through a strategic plan.”

A member-at-large is a full member of NAFSA’s Board of Directors and is referenced as a “director-at-large” in the association’s bylaws. This volunteer leader is not an officer of the board nor a member of the board’s Executive Committee. After someone is nominated for this role, they must be elected to it by NAFSA membership. 

Position updated April 2024

Applications for this position have closed for 2024. Applications will open again in Spring 2025.

Major Responsibilities
Meeting Attendance
Additional Expectations
Sample Meeting Calendar