Committee: Teaching, Learning and Scholarship Knowledge Community (TLS KC)
Position: Chair
Term Dates: January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2027

The Chair of the Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship Knowledge Community (TLS KC) leads the TLS KC team in identifying, delivering, and promoting various programming, opportunities, and resources that equip international educators with the knowledge, research, and skills needed to encourage and support the infusion of international, intercultural, and global knowledge into the ethos and outcomes of their work. The TLS KC frequently engages in pan-NAFSA collaborations and serves faculty, administrators, graduate students/post-docs, researchers, intercultural trainers, cross-cultural counselors, and other professionals in international education with a focus on curriculum internationalization, research that informs practice, and intercultural communication.

The TLS KC chair reports to the NAFSA Board of Directors through the Vice President for Scholarships & Institutional Strategy (VP SIS). TLS KC activities contribute to achieving objectives set in NAFSA’s Strategic Plan and Standing Rules, specifically Standing Rule VII, Section A. This is a three-year term with a different role each year: chair-elect, chair, and past chair.

Position updated April 2024

Applications for this position have closed for 2024. Applications will open again in Spring 2025.

Major Functions and Responsibilities
Sample Projects
Benefits and Appreciation