The Region XI Government Regulations Advisory Committee (GRAC) is a sub-committee of the NAFSA Region XI Team that specializes in U.S. government laws, rules, and regulations (at the federal, state, and local level) as they pertain to international students and scholars enrolled, employed, or visiting educational institutions in the six New England states. GRAC works closely with the Regulatory Ombudspersons, the Knowledge Community for International Student and Scholar Services (KCISSS) Representative, and the Region XI Chair stream, who are all ex-officio members of the committee. Each GRAC member has specific expertise area(s) below and is available for questions you may have. Should you wish to contact GRAC members, the contact information is available through the NAFSA Membership Directory or via the GRAC members’ institutional website.

MembersPositionInstitutionContact InformationSpecialization*
Elizabeth CAPUANOChairAdvisor to International Students and Scholars, Harvard UniversityContact Elizabeth CapuanoF / J stu / J sch / H / TN / O
Max CRUMLEY-EFFINGERMemberAssistant Director, International Student Affairs, Emerson CollegeContact Max Crumley-Effinger F
Amanda DORANPast Chair (2023-2024)Assistant Director, International Scholars, International Scholars Office, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyContact Amanda DoranJ sch / H / TN / O / LPR
Kaitlin DORNENBURGMemberHR Specialist, UConn HealthContact Kaitlin Dornenburg 
Arthur GALINATMember, SIW Chair 2023Director, International Student and Scholar Services, UConnContact Arthur GalinatF /J stu/ J sch/ Taxes
Emma HUSEMemberInternational Scholar and Employee Program Manager, University of VermontContact Emma HuseJ sch / H / TN / O / LPR / MED
Jodi HANELTMember, Past Chair (2022-2023), SIW Co-ChairExecutive Director, International Students and Scholars Office, Brandeis UniversityContact Jodi HaneltF / J stu / J sch / H / TN
Jessa KARKIMember, SIW Past ChairDirector, Office of International Student Services, Champlain CollegeContact Jessa KarkiF /J stu/ J sch/ Taxes
Kathy KAUTZ DE ARANGOMemberExecutive Director of University Immigration Services, University of New HavenContact Kathy Kautz De ArangoF / J stu 
Maria JENKINSMemberDirector of International Student Services, Boston Architectural CollegeContact Maria JenkinsF
Sonja PAULSONMember, SecretaryAssistant Director, International Student Services, OISSS Brown UniversityContact Sonja PaulsonF / J stu 
Katey PALUMBOMemberDirector of International Programs and SIO, Worcester State UniversityContact Katey PalumboF / J (stu)/ J (sch) /ESL Programs
Liz SAUMSIEGLEMember, SIW Co-Chair Director, International Student & Scholar Services, Babson CollegeContact Liz SaumsiegleF / J stu
Maggie SHIRLANDMemberInternational Student Advisor, Massachusetts College of Art and DesignContact Maggie ShirlandF / J stu
Caitlin SZYMKOWICZMember, Chair Elect 2024-2025Associate Dean, Office for International Students and Scholars, Smith CollegeContact Caitlin SzymkowiczF / J stu /J sch
Mary WALSHMemberPartner, Iandoli Desai & Cronin, P.C.Contact Mary WalshAll NIV / O-1 / PERM / EB-1 / NIW / I-9s / Entrepreneurs
SpecialistsPositionInstitutionContact InformationSpecialization*
Anthony PAWELSKIMedical SpecialistSenior International Advisor, Office for Global Professionals and Scholars (GPS), Mass General BrighamContact Anthony PawelskiJ sch / H / TN / O / LPR / MED
Erin GUSTAFSONSpecialistSenior Adviser, Office of International Students & Scholars, Yale UniversityContact Erin GustafsonF / J stu / J sch / H / Advocacy
Ex-Officio Members InstitutionContact InformationSpecialization*
Katie AHLMANScholar RegbudInternational Student and Scholar Advisor, International Programs Office, Umass AmherstContact Katie AhlmanF / J stu / J sch
Luca LIPPARINIStudent RegbudSenior Adviser, Office of International Students & Scholars, Yale UniversityContact Luca LippariniF / J stu
Christian WILWOHLRegion XI ChairDean of Global Education, Providence CollegeContact Christian Wilwohl 
Adrea PAPADOPOULOSKnowledge Community Representative ISSS (2025-2027)Associate Director, International Students and Scholars Office, Brandeis University Contact Adrea PapadopoulosF / J stu / J sch 


F: F Students and Dependents
J int: J Student Interns
LPR: Lawful Permanent Residents
TN: TN Status Under NAFTA
J stu: J Students and Dependents
H: H-1B Scholars/Employees and Dependents
MED: Medical Scholars and Dependents
J sch: J Scholars and Dependents
K-12: Kindergarten-12th Grade
O: O-1 Scholars and Dependents