
Two years. Term begins in January, but representative will attend the Fall Conference Team Meeting just prior to assuming duties.


By Region II Chair


By whatever process is appropriate within the state for selecting or electing a new State Representative. Once election or selection is made, the incumbent State Representative recommends replacement to the Region II Chair. The Chair makes the appointment.


Member of NAFSA; commitment to serve and to attend regional and national conferences; confirmed institutional support for participation on Region II Team.


  1. Maintain up-to-date membership directory of the state by consulting the Region II Chair;
  2. Ensure membership knows how to use resources of NAFSA, both national and regional;
  3. Facilitate, with sectional chairs and others on the team, dissemination of information from national/regional leadership through electronic channels, including e-communities and listservs;
  4. Identify special needs of the state and work with others in the state to address these needs through workshops, conferences, or other means appropriate to the needs;
  5. Express needs and concerns of state members to Region II Chair and Sectional Representatives;
  6. Organize and preside over state meetings and conferences;
  7. Assist in outreach effort to non-member institutions or those institutions that are not fully aware of benefits of membership in the Association;
  8. Identify NAFSA members who are retiring so that they can be recognized;
  9. Participate fully as a leader in NAFSA by attending the Region II Fall Conference and attending the Team Meeting, governance meetings and other sessions identified by the Chair as important; by attending the national conference and attending Region II Team meetings and the governance meetings and other sessions pertaining to important association business;
  10. Prepare and present at the Region II Team Meeting at the Fall Conference a written report of the state’s annual activities;
  11. Facilitate the selection or election of a new state representative and forward the recommendation to the Region II Chair;
  12. Orient and train successor;
  13. Assist in other leadership activities as requested by the Chair or Chair-Elect of Region II.