2010 Conference Volunteer Opportunities
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the upcoming NAFSA Region II and Region IV Bi-Regional Conference in Omaha, NE. The list below highlights the areas where volunteer assistance is most needed. If you are willing to help out for any period of time, please check the “Volunteer” box on your conference registration sheet and the Volunteers Coordinators will contact you directly to determine your area of interest and availability.
Registration Volunteers (possibly covered, so please indicate an alternate just in case.)
Be the first face of NAFSA to welcome participants! You will be responsible for checking in conference registrants, handing out registration packets, registering participants who did not pre-register and selling tickets to events. Good for all of you who are organized and have good customer service skills.
Yoga Volunteer
You will help the Yoga Instructor by demonstrating poses if needed and help troubleshoot any problems that might arise. Good for someone with yoga experience that likes to help out.
Evaluation Volunteers
Want to know what participants think of sessions? You will assist with the distribution and collection of evaluation forms for each session during the conference and then assist with entering the evaluation results. Please note, you will not be able to attend sessions during your assigned shift.
A/V Volunteers
Flaunt your technical skills by ensuring the audio-visual aspects of presentations run smoothly. This is also a fun way to meet various presenters in a one-on-one setting as you help them get laptops hooked up to projectors and answer A/V questions. Key position to make the conference a success! Training provided Sunday before everything gets going. You’ll be able to attend sessions because you’ll help out just before they get started!
Ticket Taker Volunteers
You will be responsible for greeting fellow NAFSAns and collecting tickets as they arrive at events, such as opening reception, breakfasts or plenary lunch. It will be a great opportunity to meet with NAFSAns. The ticket taker shifts is approximately 30 minutes.