Facilitating Education Abroad: Blueprints for Successful Advising
Facilitating Education Abroad is an asset for education abroad advisers seeking to expand their programs and advising services. Covering topics such as marketing and outreach, managing student records, and linking international experiences to career development, this publication features more than 60 exemplary forms, websites, and documents from a diverse range of colleges and universities that can spark inspiration at any institution.
The extensive appendix offers a compendium of sample print and online materials typically needed, produced, and used when administering education abroad programs. This publication is a good opportunity to see what other institutions are doing and personalize these samples for your own purposes.
About the author: Stacey Hansen has worked in education abroad and been active in NAFSA for more than 15 years. Throughout her career, Hansen has worked extensively with peer adviser programs, predeparture orientations, staff training, records management, and process improvement. She has presented on these and other topics at a variety of conferences and is a member of the NAFSA Trainer Corps.

Facilitating Education Abroad: Blueprints for Successful Advising
Facilitating Education Abroad is an asset for education abroad advisers seeking to expand their programs and advising services. Covering topics such as marketing and outreach, managing student records, and linking international experiences to career development, this publication features more than 60 exemplary forms, websites, and documents from a diverse range of colleges and universities that can spark inspiration at any institution.
The extensive appendix offers a compendium of sample print and online materials typically needed, produced, and used when administering education abroad programs. This publication is a good opportunity to see what other institutions are doing and personalize these samples for your own purposes.
About the author: Stacey Hansen has worked in education abroad and been active in NAFSA for more than 15 years. Throughout her career, Hansen has worked extensively with peer adviser programs, predeparture orientations, staff training, records management, and process improvement. She has presented on these and other topics at a variety of conferences and is a member of the NAFSA Trainer Corps.