Engage with Voices of an Interconnected World

Is Your Campus StudyAbroadFriendly

Is Your Campus Study Abroad Friendly?If you haven’t already read Wendy Williamson’s article in the Chronicle, “7 Signs of Successful Study Abroad Programs,” you should. Today’s students grew up surfing the world and most go to college expecting to have the
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At Child Marriage Hearing Education was the Constant Refrain

At Child Marriage Hearing, Education was the Constant Refrain Last Thursday, the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission held a hearing titled “Targeting Girls in the Name of Tradition Child Marriage.” The hearing was chaired by Congressman Jim McGovern, who co
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There Is Something President Obama Can Do NOW on Immigration Reform

There Is Something President Obama Can Do NOW on Immigration ReformThis morning at American University in Washington, President Obama recommitted his administration to comprehensive immigration reform. Disappointingly, he stopped short of announcing any specific commitments or a specific timeframe
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