South Dakota International Educators
Hello South Dakota. I am excited to be representing South Dakota for the Region IV NAFSA Leadership team for the next two years. My goal during this term is to reach out and help others in SD with any questions or concerns they have about international education and to become more involved in the planning and implementing our regional conferences.
We are already working on the Region IV Conference which will be held in Fargo, North Dakota on October 20-24, 2019. Session proposals will be accepted soon. I encourage international educators from South Dakota to work together on submitting proposals for the conference. It is going to be a great conference!!
Looking forward to the national NAFSA conference in Washington, DC in May and planning a meeting for any South Dakota international educators that will be attending. If you are not a NAFSA member and are interested in becoming a member, interested in trainer corps or being on the leadership team, I would be happy to visit with you.