Term: Three years

Appointment: By chair stream

Qualifications: NAFSA member working in the area of International Student & Scholar Advising and Community and Campus- based Programming in Region XI; must have support of and encouragement by home institution and supervisor to carry out the responsibilities of KCISSS regional team representative.  Should have knowledge, day-job responsibilities, and interest in both the immigration advising and community and campus-based programming aspects of the ISSS Knowledge Community. 


  • Participate in regional team meetings to represent International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) and Community and Campus- based Programming interests and to keep the Chair Stream informed of ISSS activities.
  • Plan and execute the ISSS portion of the regional conference in collaboration with the Regulatory Ombudsman and the Conference Chair.  Ensure that conference program represents the full spectrum of interests in ISSS. 
  • Correspond and collaborate with the KCISSS National Leadership Team on developments, programs, issues, and concerns at the regional level; upon selection as ISSS Regional Representative, he or she should notify the KCISSS national chair of his/her selection, the beginning and ending dates of his/her term of office, and his/her e-mail address which will be added to the KCISSS listserv.  As a member of the KCISSS national team, participate in e-mail discussion, vote on national team issues, aid in the selection of national conference sessions and workshops, and attend national team meetings at the national conference.
  • Attend and participate in the following events:
    • the Annual NAFSA National Conference;
    • the Annual NAFSA Region XI Conference;
    • Region XI Leadership Team meetings and conference planning sessions (usually March and June).
  • Serve as an information source for members and communicate with the Region XI ISSS membership regarding events, training, or special sessions that may be of interest to professionals in the area of International Student & Scholar Services and Community and Campus- based Programming. This includes:
    • Identifying particular groups/persons in the region involved in international campus- and community-based programming,
    • maintaining a list of such groups and their leaders in order to keep in contact with and encourage involvement
    • networking amongst these colleagues to help strengthen regional activities and to develop potential leadership with programming background. 
  • Serve as ex officio member of the Region XI GRAC (Government Regulatory Advisory Committee), which is chaired by the Regulatory Ombudsman, and in conjunction with Regional Regulatory Ombudsman, disseminate information of interest to KCISSS regional colleagues via e-mail and other appropriate means. 
  • Assist the Regional Chair Stream in identifying potential candidates for the next term and be available to provide support and guidance to the successor in the transition of KCISSS leadership.