e-Learning Express
Student Member

Understanding the complexities of immigration regulations and their impact on international students is an important component of the services that secondary schools provide.

  • Is your program in compliance?
  • Who oversees SEVIS compliance at your school?
  • Which records should you keep and for how long?

This NAFSA e-Learning Express course will provide you with basic regulatory information and give participants a general overview of SEVIS compliance at the secondary school level.

In addition, this course will outline model practices in the field and help participants form an action items list for their schools to ensure compliance is being met.

Elements addressed within this presentation include:
  • Relevant sections of law and policy;
  • Critical issues of school compliance; and
  • Mandatory responsibilities of a PDSO/DSO.

Ready to start learning?

When you register, you will have 60 days to experience your content when it's convenient for you! Look for your access link in your registration receipt, on your MyNAFSA page, or by going directly to the learning portal.


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