Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
NAFSA believes that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are not just words but essential principles that drive our mission and define our global identity. Read our updated Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement, approved by the NAFSA Board in December 2023.
Programs and Honors
Award for Impact in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
This award honors a NAFSA member who has shown commitment to advocating for the interests of under-represented populations; improving recruitment and retention of underrepresented populations, or incorporating diversity or anti-oppression training in international education programming.
NAFSA RISE Fellowship
NAFSA proudly supports our diversity, equity, and inclusion program: the NAFSA RISE (Representation, Inclusion, Support, and Empowerment) Fellowship. This program provides selected applicants from underrepresented communities with continued learning and engagement opportunities. Participants gain access to resources and tools to help them give back to their institutions and communities.
NAFSA Tamara H. Bryant Memorial Scholarship
NAFSA and the Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) created the NAFSA Tamara H. Bryant Memorial Scholarship to increase diversity and inclusion in study abroad. The scholarship generates opportunities for African-American undergraduate students to study abroad and gain valuable experiences.
International Education, Affirmative Action, and Diversity Bans
NAFSA’s associational values articulate a belief that international education lies at the core of an interconnected world characterized by diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice, and well-being for all. This NAFSA Town Hall examined the implications for international education, explored meaningful allyship with colleagues in diversity offices and positions, and provided resources to guide effective advocacy.
NAFSA Resources
- "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Journey, Not a Destination" NAFSA Blog
- "ADA In Education Abroad" Disabilities
- Advising International Students with Disabilities Disabilities
- Education Abroad: Advising Students with Disabilities Disabilities
- Promoting Inclusion in Education Abroad Disabilities, Ethnic/Racial Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging
- "NAFSA Stands in Solidarity Against Hate" Inclusion and Belonging, Social Justice
- "An Antiracist Framework for Education Abroad" Ethnic/Racial Diversity
- Social Justice and International Education Social Justice
- “We Are Part of the Solution” Social Justice
- [IE Magazine] "Beyond the Basics: Addressing DEI Blind Spots on Global Campuses" Ethnic/Racial Diversity
- [IE Magazine] "Social Justice Pedagogy: A Conceptual Framework for All International Educators" Social Justice
- [IE Magazine] "Meet Them Where they Are: Supporting LGBTQ International Students" LGBTQ+, Inclusion and Belonging
- [IE Magazine and Podcast] "Sea Change: A Conversation about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Within International Education" Ethnic/Racial Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging
Member Resources
Suggested Resources
- Education Department Outlines Strategies for Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education, Higher Education Today
- DEI Legislation Tracker, Chronicle of Higher Education
- The Equitable Protection Principle - How California Community Colleges can Make Progress Toward Racial Equity, USC Race and Equity Center
- July Report Release - The Equitable Protection Principle, USC Race and Equity Center